Chicken Coop Crazy

Lately I’ve been contemplating on whether or not my yard is big enough to have just a few chickens.  And if a coop would look out of place in the garden.

My son just recently got a couple and keeps telling me how fun they are.  Soon, they will be laying eggs.

Well, last weekend I went to a local garden tour.

Wait till you see what I saw.


Is this the cutest chicken coop you ever did see?



These coops have given me the ‘Chicken Coop Crazies!"’


I absolutely LOVE the tin roofs!  Cute white chicken isn’t bad either.


Look at the wreath on the door, and the French Welcome.  Now this lady knows how to make a chick feel right at home.


Think your yard is just a bit too fancy for a chicken coop?  Think again!

Here are a few pics of the home where this coop was found.



Fancy right?

I’ve strolled my garden and I think that I’ve found a place where a cute coop might work.  I’ve saved the top of our hill for a playhouse.  We had one at our Highland home and I promised the grand children another.

I’m a thinkin that there’s room along the side of the fence.  It won’t be this year, but that’s o.k.  It’ll just give me more time to dream about this dreamy coop.

Now, the only question is, “Which came first, the desire for chickens; or the desire for the egg-stra special coop?

I’d love to hear from any of you chicks out there that have coops and how you feel about them.  Oh, and the chickens too.

Linking up with:

Open House Party Thurs @ No Minimalist Here

Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage

Inspiration Friday @ The Picket Fence


Ky said...

“Which came first, the desire for chickens; or the desire for the egg-stra special coop?"

Hahhahaha, This made me laugh mom!

I think Lonnie will have enough eggs for the whole family!

The Charm of Home said...

I have been seeing some chicken coops in town! We once got some dirt from our country Aunts to put in our garden, it was from their large chicken coop/barnyard. This was the most amazing year we ever had in our garden. The plants were huge and produced plenty of veggies. It is the true perfect fertilizer.

Anonymous said...

I just won a contest with our romantic roost as I call it or the cottage chicken coop. It was actually an old child's playhouse that we converted for the "girls" or chicks. It has a flower box on the front window and a trellis with climbing vines, signs and landscaping. I am crazy about our chickens and highly encourage you to get some. Love your blog! :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I love the photo of the coop here...we have hens and they are so so wonderful! You will love it. Just research a bunch before you purchase them, and you'll be set to go :)
My hubby built our chicken coop. There are photos of it on my blog, if you want to look around...
Becky C
Buckets of Burlap

Comeca Jones said...

I love those coops as well!but Im gaga over your red porch glider!!!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Jann, What a cute chicken coop! These are popping up all over blogland and people get really creative with them. Heather Bullard just posted the plans for hers are for sale and it is a fabulous coop. Thank you for joining my party this week and have a great weekend.

Kathleen said...

Hmmm, I don't know! I wonder if our zoning laws would allow it? You are not allowed to have a wash line in view here.

I don't know if I would want the responsibility of raising chickens. Do you have to heat the coop in the winter? We get so much snow here.
I think I will just live vicariously through yours, LOL!

Janet said...

I think it would be nice to have chickens for the fresh eggs! We could never have them here, because of our HOA. My sister has had chickens for years, but she lives in the mountains!

Unknown said...

Hey Jann. Thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway. I love having you visit. I've seen one other chicken coop that was unbelievable like that. They make anyone want to have chickens. Chickens are so chic. (ha-ha, I couldn't resist).

Have a fun weekend. Hugs...Tracy :)

fran said...

Hi Jann, Love this post. I just got back from visiting my grandparent's farm. Besides missing my grandparents, it's the absence of the sounds of the chickens that bothers me the most each time I go back. There's just something about the clucking that makes things feel...well, right I guess. Anyway, love your blog. I'm your newest follower. (There's a picture of my grandparent's chicken coop on my post from 6/15. We called it the "hen house".)
fran @

Lisa Steele | Fresh Eggs Daily® said...

Beautiful coop! Yes, do get some chickens. We just love ours. Oh, and stop by if you have any questions...

Fresh Eggs Daily

Vickie said...

Hi Jann! Found this coop on Pinterest and had to hop on over to check out your blog! Yes, Ma'am - I'm chicken crazy, too. I LOVE the tin roof on that little coop. If you care to look back thru my posts from April/May 2012 you can see the coop that my dad built for me. I have plenty of room tho. I'm already aching for a bigger one! I'm afraid I've been hit with the chicken virus, too!!! Pretty blog you have...
