Oh my, it’s hard to believe that July has come and gone! Seems as though it simply whisked by.
Last night I grabbed my camera, strolled the garden and caught a bit of what was blooming. Before long they too will be just a memory. Sadly I missed quite a few pretty flowers that blossomed earlier in the month. Pink is always a favorite of mine in the garden. (Left to right) Phlox, climbing rose, Coneflower, Rose of Sharon.
But nothing says summer sunshine like yummy yellow!
Lily, Rudbeckia, Sun Flower, and Yarrow.
Look closer at the bottom of this sunflower. Do you see one of our giant bee’s? We have had tons of them this year. Little fellas as well. I love them, but both hubby and I have been stung this year. I was just cutting back in the garden and he was working on our pondless waterfall. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. lol!
A little purple is always a pleasure. . .Mallow,
Butterfly Bush,
Salvia. (I cut them to the ground after their Spring blooming and they always come back for a second go round). Not as big and beautiful as the first, but still pretty.
Every garden needs some wonderful whites, don’t you agree?
Daisy, Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea, and Annabelle Hydrangea,
If you ask me, Hollyhocks are just heavenly! One of my favorite cottage flowers.
The annuals have really started putting on a show. Nothing quite as lovely as a Zinnia!
Unless maybe it’s a Begonia. My first Canna bloom. For some reason this one is short. Don’t ask me why?
I love when the Sweet Potato Vines trail to the ground. Although this pot usually has a lot more color. I just pinched back my Petunias and Geraniums.
Not my favorite, but a little orange is nice.
I planted both orange and pink Hyacinth Beans along my metal fencing. Sweet blog friend,Stacey from Poofing the Pillows sent me the pink seeds.
I haven’t seen a pink bloom yet. Sadly I’m thinking the orange just crowded them out.
The gorgeous seed pods on my Hot Wings Maple makes me realize just how close Fall really is.
And look what I have coming. . .a little Baby Boo and
some that will be orange. Yup, Fall is just around the corner!
Better start gathering our nuts. Hee-hee!
I will be sharing with these lovely parties:
Fishtail Cottage for Garden Party
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday