I love these red dishes. What a find!

I'd follow that little Virginian Cardinal anywhere!

Thanks for such a fun visit.
Recently Shultz and I went to N. Carolina to visit his sister Laurie and her hubby Thayne.
What a great trip! We all went down to S. Carolina together. Talk about walking right into " Gone With The Wind". It was beautiful! The camelias, and azealeas were bloomin gorgeous.
I couldn't get over that wisteria grew wild all along the freeway. It's an obnoxious plant to them.
I say bring it on baby. I love the long clustery purple blooms. Dogwood trees were all in bloom and you would see them billowing out among the pines. It was absolutely breath taking. We returned to their house on a Tues. then Shultz and I headed for Virginia on Weds. We took in tons of Civil War sites. We both love history so it was great fun. Then we went to Colonial Williamsbug where we spent a day and a half. We walked up and down the streets a ton, sat through a few enactments, and of course shopped. Our last stop was at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. From there we took the back roads to Laurie and Thaynes. We told them we would be back to have some Carolina BBQ. It was delicious. Pulled pork and deep fried corn on the cob, Yum! It was on these back roads that I acquired my Virginian treasure, RED DISHES.
They were in a little roadside country store. I passed them up at first knowing I really had no way of getting them home. After leaving the store I just couldn't get them out of my mind and
finally decided to go back. We were about 8-10 miles past it. Without too much coaxing Shultz turned the car around and back we went. To make a long story short we returned , bought, and brought home. Although we lost 4 pieces when Delta made us check our carry on because the plane was so small. Sad, but so so happy to have the rest. I will love and treasure them forever!