Tis the Season

Tis the Season. How is it that it goes-to be Jolly? Sometimes we find that just a bit difficult after hanging all that holly. Why is it that we do this to ourselves? I love Christmas and actually do love decorating for it, but why do I have to have so much? This is a question that only my psychiatrist knows for sure. Mmm, I forgot I don't have a psychiatrist. At least it's a bit comforting to know that I am not alone. People everywhere share this addiction. Last night Shultz and I saw a house that I swear had lights on every tree and bush in their yard. It was absolutely gorgeous. If the inside of their home looks anything like the outside, then WOW! Really though, all this for only a month or so. And then think of all that storing of it. Oh well, I've got to quit analyzing it and just enjoy! Hopefully we don't let the true meaning of Christmas get lost among all that tinsel.
I'm going to post a few pics and hope that you can enjoy a bit of Christmas at our house. Our door is always open. Well, best get back to wrapping those gifts.


Riana Grace said...

I would love to talk to Dalan. How could that be arranged?

Vuong Duc Binh said...

Merry Xmas! Best wishes for you and your family :-)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Thanks! We had a wonderful holiday. Best wishes to you and your family for 2010!
