Vuong Duc Binh and his wife
Their homeland

They call this fruit beautiful girl

This post is dedicated to one of my followers Vuong Duc Binh and his wife who live in Vietnam. I have no idea how he stumbled across my simple little blog, but I have enjoyed conversing with him from time to time. Last August he sent me some pictures of flowers and vines growing on his homeland. As I anxiously await the arrival of Spring, (I even have a count down on my chalkboard that I am marking off the days), I can't help think about him and his wife and wonder if flowers are still blooming there. Do they have a cold season, or is it always warm? The pictures that he sent reminded me of a tropical paradise. At times I have wished that I lived somewhere warm where I could garden all year long. But then every Fall I find myself a bit worn out and actually looking forward to putting the gardens to rest. I wonder, do they have to tend to their plants all year long or does mother nature do it for them. Just something to think about while I await the arrival of Spring. Daffodils are a comin!!
p.s. Don't forget to leave a comment on My "Luck of the Irish" post so that you will be included in my March 17th give-away!
p.s. Don't forget to leave a comment on My "Luck of the Irish" post so that you will be included in my March 17th give-away!