Shiver Me Timbers

Hubby and I headed to Colorado a week ago thinking that we would enjoy some gorgeous fall foliage hiking in the Breckenridge area.  Although we did see a lot of gorgeous shades of gold on our drive there, we found very little color while hiking.
In fact, this was the only sign of Autumn we saw on the trail.
Our second morning  we woke up to snow and chilly temps.  We didn't let that stop us.  We bundled up a little and headed out about 10:30 in the morning to hike Burro Trail.
You can see that the sun did come out and shine.  Although the trail ran through a forest and was very shady.

I stayed cozy and warm in my fleece jacket and it actually turned out to be perfect hiking weather.
No fall color, but we found beauty in other things, like these frozen ice crystals hanging on branches.

I always have my eyes out for a little love along the way.  (wink)

And I have a thing for moss and lichen.

Yes, I'm kind of likin the lichen on this rock.  :)
I noticed two little scrawny trees out in the middle all by themselves.
There were also many tall ones that could be displayed in the Rockefeller Center.  Maybe a little too skinny.

We watched this cute little fella nibble on an acorn for quite some time.  He would look over at us every now and then, but didn't seem to be bothered by us.
You know how your mind tells you that you can, but your body tells you that you can't?
I tried to balance on one foot on this stump.  Gosh, if that wasn't a silly sight.  This girl isn't quite what she use to be!

The perfect place for taking a breather along the trail!
We thought this tree was very unusual.
We walked along water for a good share of the hike.  It was the prettiest part of it.

The resort that we were staying at were going to do a group hike on this trail at 1:00, so I decided to leave a little token of love.
I wonder if anyone noticed it?

Sometimes things aren't what we expect, but there's beauty to be found, if we just look for it!


Anonymous said...

Jann, I'm glad you were warm and toasty in your cozy jacket! The snow is beautiful and I love all the pictures with the ice on the branches etc.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have a thing for moss too! You did find plenty of beauty in the snow. The tree is so unusual its pretty.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

So glad that you didn't let the weather slow you down. The woods were sure pretty and a cute little critter.

So glad that you are out and about. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the beauty.


Old Time Cindy said...

Your pinecone art made me smile! You are young at heart, girl!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh, Jann, thanks much for taking us on your beautiful outdoor hike today - I love your attitude about it too. Your pics are all so interesting.

You amaze me balancing on that crooked stump- I am certain I could never!

You two make a very cute couple. Hugs. ♥

Susie said...

Jann, Hope you both enjoyed your time away. Please be safe .Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Jeanie said...

It looks like fall had turned into winter on your trail hike. Beautiful territory and I must say, you are far more intrepid than I!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful. I love all the hearts!

Junkchiccottage said...

How wonderful Jann to get out there in nature and just breathe and enjoy. After all you have been through how great to have this break. The pictures are beautiful.

NanaDiana said...

That is THE CUTEST little squirrel!
I am glad you had a good time, Jann. We have not had much of a fall as far as colors go here either. It has been a very odd fall all he way around. I love that you were able to enjoy such a nice outing--color or no color. xo Diana

HappyK said...

Your jacket looks toasty warm. What a nice hike the two of you had. You captures lots of beauty along the way.

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful photos,Jann!Hugs!

Linda W. said...

Chilly fall days are perfect hiking weather. Cute pic of you and your hubby.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

It looked like the perfect day! So pretty! What is up with the absent color this year? I was so looking forward to going to the Adirondacks in NY state this Fall because it is supposed to be spectacular, but forgot about that idea when I heard there was no color. No color here in Upstate NY either. There is lots of other beauty around in the Fall though....

Rose L said...

As long as you had fun, that's what matters most. I still love the photos.

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Beautiful pictures! Looks like you still made the most of your time and enjoyed the views. Here we have had a brown fall and are just NOW seeing some color. I think because we had not had rain for almost 8 weeks, everything just turned brown and crinkled up. Then this weekend we had terrific storms and most of the leaves fell to the ground. I broke down and turned on the furnace this morning. It was 44 here :(

Gingham Gardens said...

I'm so happy you're out hiking after what you've been through. I don't think you've ever written a post that hasn't made me laugh.

My Recent Favorite Books said...

Lovely photos! Such a lovely area! =)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Jann, you unfortunately picked one of the highest altitude resorts to stay in--Breckenridge is over 9,000 feet and autumn color comes early there in September and is gone by October. Next time try a lower altitude spot such as Glenwood springs, Aspen or a southern location like Ouray, Telluride or Ridgeway. The San Juans in SW Colorado are gorgeous in early October!! The Front Range where I live --a western suburb of Denver, is also a riot of color right now! Our elevation is 6,000 feet--it makes a big difference in color and temperature.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Wow snow already, guess I should expect that in Colorado.
I'm sure you enjoyed the walk and I enjoyed all the pictures

Pam Richardson said...

Jann, we just returned from Aspen and we enjoyed some hiking! When we were a little younger we used to ski Breckinridge and loved the ambiance. Your floors look stunning!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful place!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Glad to see you are recovering nicely from your surgery...
Thanks for stopping by!!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I'm glad you shared your hike with us. Snow is very rare in Brittany, so I enjoyed it on your pictures!
