Hello my friends and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short). The party where you share the things that make you happy.
It’s what I call ‘filling your cup’.
Wishing everyone a vey Happy Halloween!!
We had our family party Sunday evening and in my opinion, our youngest son, Dalan and his wife Samantha had the best costumes ever!
Yup, we’re getting another grand baby. They have two darling boys. Maybe this one will come out wearing a pink bow. lol!
I went into the hospital on Monday for surgery. They thought they could do it laparoscopic, but I was not so lucky.
They ended up cutting me and keeping me another day. Because of this I was not able to visit all of last weeks links. Sorry, but there will be no features for this week.
I’ll be looking forward to some bed rest and seeing what you all have to share!
Hola amiga querida ! Que disfraz mĂ¡s terrorĂfico,me que tenga un buen dia
First of all, I'm so sorry that you're confined to bed, dear friend. No fun! Prayers for a speedy recovery. Second, congratulations on the coming birth of another grandbaby. That's wonderful, Jann! And congratulations to the parents, too. Thanks for the party and do be good to yourself. Hugs, Nancy
Feel better, thanks for hosting even through all of this. We appreciate you!
First so sorry you have to be cut, and are bed confined! Take care of yourself and visit when you can, we'll wait. Congrats on your great news of being grandparents ag
Hope you feel better!! Thanks for the party and for your visits!!
First of all - FEEL BETTER !!
With the good news of your coming grand-baby - you have to :)
Thanks for the party
Oh Dear Jann pleez get better real quick!! You are too cute n fun to be down!!! You always bring me up!!! Take care and DO REST!! XOXO Love ya Fran.
Those skeleton costumes are so cute.
Sorry to hear about your surgery, hope you'll be on the mend soon. So nice of you to host this week!
Not a good thing to go to the hospital expecting one thing and another arises. Do you have healing potions in the delightful apothecary cabinet? Thank you for hosting.
I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery, Jann! I did enjoy hearing the good news and seeing the darling costumes!! Thank you for hosting when you're probably not feeling up to it. Take care!
You are such a faithful blogger...even when you are down for the count! Hope that everything went well and your bed rest is short and restful.
Well, Jann, you've certainly had an eventful week! I hope all is well on your medical front. What a great way for your kids to announce their news - I love it!
Thank you for hosting, take it easy on yourself, ok?
Hope you're up and running quickly Jann - such happy news - and that T shirt is just fabulous - is that how they told you? ( was it a surprise? )
Your DIL is just beautiful !
Thanks for the party ( even tho you're bedridden )
Much love,
Sorry to hear about the surgery...but marvelous about the new grandbaby! Thanks for hosting...and a speedy recovery!
Congrats on the news of a new grand baby! I'm sorry you're laid up for awhile. Hoping you're up and around again real soon! Thanks for hosting your fun party!
Awe, feel better soon, Jann! Surgery is no fun. Congrats on the good news and thank you for hosting. Take care.
I am so sorry you had to have surgery, Jann. Rest and stay down for as long as you can.
Congratulations on your sweet new grandbaby coming along. GREAT costume idea! lol xo Diana
Oh Jann...that was not a welcome surprise...unlike the new baby. (Congrats!!) Praying you make a speedy recovery. [hugs]
Take care of yourself, and get well soon!!! Sally
Rest and recover Jann! Good luck with the girl baby wishes :)
Congratulations Jann ! Hope you feel better soon !
Hi Jann, rest and heal. Wonderful news from DS and DDIL. Thanks for hosting today.
Dear Jann,
I am truly sorry to hear you have had to have surgery, make sure you treat yourself well so you will heal fast.
Exciting news on the new little one that will be arriving! I am visiting my youngest daughter and her sweet little family this week and enjoying loving on the little one too.
Thank you for the party and I sure hope you are feeling really well soon.
Hi, Jann. I'm sorry you're not up and running, but I bet that good baby news has helped your spirits!! :) Congratulations! Thanks for hosting a fun party! ~Zuni
Cute couple! Congrats on the new grand that's coming, how wonderful and exciting. Hope it's a GIRL too!
Thank you so much for the arty.
Happy Halloween!
Hi Jann,
I want to wish you a full recovery. Sending prayers and good wishes. Thanks for hosting your party.
I hope you're feeling better and have a speedy recovery, Jann! Congratulations on the soon to be new grandbaby!
Thanks for hosting again this week!
Here I am feeling sorry for myself and you were in the hospital. I hope everything is okay and you bounce back to healthy quickly.
Congratulations on a new grandbaby. One of these days I will get one.
Hi Jann,
I'm so sorry to hear you had to have surgery! I hope you can rest well, and heal quickly. Let the peeps pamper you!
Congratulations on the upcoming grandbaby!!
xo Kris
Wow, what a week for you. Congrats on the new grandbaby, and I suure hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting this amazing party...even when you're under the weather. :)
Life With Lorelai
Hi Jann, I'm sorry to hear about the surgery. Get well soon. I hope you won't have to stay in bed too long.
Congratulations on the new grandbaby!
So very sorry to hear about your surgery and to think your still worried about all of us, bless your heart. Quick question, I was at the fun vintage, antique sale on Oct. 11 in pleasant grove and as I was walking in I really think I almost ran right smack into you. It took me a minute to realize who it (or maybe was) and then you were gone. So, were you there? If it was really you, I'm so mad at myself for not realizing it sooner and making friends in real life with you. Take care, beautiful lady and get well soon.
I hope you'll feel better soon. Have a restful end of the week.
Congrats on the new grand baby! Prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Congratulations on another grand-child, and hope you feel better soon. Happy Halloween!
Congratulations on the announcement of the new grandchild! Her shirt was cute- what a fun way to announce it! I hope you are feeling better and that you are all fixed up!
Hope you feel better Jann! Thanks so much for hosting the party, and congrats on the new grand baby.
I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery, Jann! Sending prayers that you heal quickly! Happy news though, about the new grand baby! YIPPEE!!! Congratulations!!! You're definitely a real trooper for still throwing the party-and I thank you so much for hosting another awesome one!
OMGosh you take care of yourself and don't worry about blogging, anytime you get cut on you need quite time to heal, listen to me ole mother hen LOL
thanks for having the party anyway
Hi Jann, wow congrats on the grand baby and I love their costumes too. I do hope you feel better soon. Take care and thanks for hosting.
I hope you're able to rest and recover. Surgery is tough, don't push it and overdo. Listen to your body and take time for yourself and rest! Blessings!
I hope that you will be feeling better soon and completely recovered from your surgery. It looks like you have lost of great posts to visit while you are recuperating. Thank you for hosting!
Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse
Sorry to hear that you had to have surgery...hope you feel all better real soon!!
Thanks for hosting!
I hope your recovery is going well. Hugs, Dianne
Jann, Sorry to hear that you had surgery and sending prayers for a speedy recovery! Congratulations on another grandbaby and thanks for hosting! Blessings, Cecilia
Hope that you are feeling better, Jann, and that your recovery is going well. I've been keeping you in my thoughts. And congratulations on another grand baby! :) --Fran
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