A Garden Stroll and Link Party

Hello my friends and welcome to our final Garden Link Party for the year.

There are times that I think it would be fun to live in a warmer climate where I could garden all year round.
But, as fall draws near, I find myself looking forward to a rest and excited to put my garden to bed for a few months.  :)

Things have looked a bit haggard in my garden lately, so I've been cutting back like crazy.  Hoping to give them new life before the snow flies.
For most of my garden posts I have shown close ups of my blooms.  I thought today I would take you on a garden stroll.
As you enter through our garden gate you get your first glimpse of the rose garden.  Black Eyed Susan's seed throughout the garden and for the most part I just let them be.
We put the flagstone path in around 3 years ago and planted steppables throughout.  In the spring they are full of blooms.

 This hosta is buried amongst the Black Eyeds.

Last year for my birthday hubby took me to Salt Lake for a fun day.  We stopped at a garden shop.  This large concrete mushroom was on sale and I just had to have it!  (wink)

At first glance the rose garden seems to be mostly white right now.
I had to pull my hose out to the front of the fence so that I can get to it.
The garlic chives are in full bloom.  During the day they are covered in bees.

Sally Holmes climbing rose.  The buds are peach and open to white.

The pumpkin vines have meandered over into the rose garden.  I can see lots of Baby Boos.

Even my Mock Orange bush has graced me with a few late summer blooms.  My friend, Joyce gave me the sweet rusty rose for my birthday.

Between the Morning Glory and Plumbago, this area of the garden is mostly blue.  The small Hydrangea bush was gifted to me last summer by my craft group friends.

 This is when we get our first sighting of Hilltop Cottage.
Hubby and I are going to reseal the concrete patio this weekend.  It will really bring it back to life!

You can see in this photo that most of the color I have now is yellow.  I just cut back the Hollyhocks yesterday.

My pink phlox is through blooming, but my white is just starting.

My bottle tree adds a touch of needed color.

My planters seem to be mostly green right now.  A few things died and I have been adding mums for fall color.

I planted some Marigold seeds in a couple of containers that should be blooming soon.

The fairy garden hasn't minded the hot summer.

A couple weeks ago you couldn't even see this bench.  The Yarrow was so high, but I cut it all back.  You can see the new growth coming already.
Two Black Eyed's seeded on each side of the entrance to our firepit.  I couldn't have planned it better. 

Cone Flowers have faded and Iris have been cut back.

I love it when the Elm tree gets it's orange berries!

My Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea is just starting to get a touch of pink.


We haven't had a fire in the firepit since spring.  Honestly, it's just been too hot.  Hope to have one this fall.

I'm getting excited to decorate Hilltop Cottage for fall.  The Salvia just finished blooming for the second time.

The other day it was nice and cool so I edged the waterfall.  I usually do it once in the spring and again in the fall.  It really helps keep the grass from growing beyond the rocks.

The green plants in the twin tubs seem to be taking over as well.
I snuck an orange mum into each one.

This post has turned out to be quite lengthy.  Garden tours sometimes do that!  :) So I'll leave you with my pretty petite Zinnias in my front flower beds,

and my sweet little Limelight Hydrangea tree.

Happy late summer gardening!
I'm looking forward to the pretty colors of fall.

Now let's see what you have to share. 
Link up any garden or garden themed project.


Sandra @ Dinner at Eight said...

Jann, what a spectacular garden! If you hadn't said so, I would never have dreamed that this garden was slowing down. Every view is lovely and lush with color, texture and interest. I've got garden envy for sure!

Curtains in My Tree said...

Oh Gosh your garden is wonderful and quite large, my poor little flower beds have suffered in our horrible heat we had all summer.
I so enjoyed the tour through your gardens.


All I have to post is dishes LOL

Mary @ Home is Where the Boat Is said...

Jann, Your garden looks so heathy and lush, not haggard at all! How nice your Black Eyed's seeded themselves so symmetrically. ;) Love all the white in your garden, particularly the phlox...it looks so cool and refreshing in summer. Lovin' the chicken feeder blooming with geraniums too!

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

Love your garden....it is beautiful! By the end of summer in southern Ca., most flowers are dying and things are looking pretty dry. The potato vine, morning glory, and nasturtiums love our heat so that is what is growing right now in my garden. Love all your antiques and garden art. Thank you for the tour. Patty Mc

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

That was en enjoyable stroll Jann! That new mushroom is a pretty neat piece. Your lawn must be on a sprinkler system- it looks so lush! It’s interesting to me that my black eyed susan’s are blooming like yours yet your garden gets going so much earlier than mine. I’ve been trimming and removing some annuals because they’ve become tuckered out. It’s been a great summer for us up here- no complaints! It’s been fun co-hosting the Garden Party with you and the others. Looking forward to seeing more of your gardens as the fall colors come on.

Leslie said...

Jan, your garden is absolutely stunning!!! Thank you for the tour!!

Gina said...

Jann, Oh I'd love to wander about your garden and visit the fairies. So beautiful!

HappyK said...

You sure do have beautiful gardens.

CC said...

enjoyed the tour - it could have been longer; i was so enthralled, i was disappointed when you mentioned it was ending :) looked like you had a great summer in your gardens!

sandi s said...

You have an absolutely beautiful garden!! I just love seeing all of it. Hugs,

Stacey said...

Jann, your gardens always just amaze me! So much beauty and fun touches too.

I've surely enjoyed our garden parties. :)

Jeanie said...

The gardens are fabulous, Jann. So many beautiful blooms and I love the touches like your benches and such! Go to the head of the class!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Wow Jann, your gardens are so pretty. So many different flowers to enjoy. Love the strawberry hydrangeas. Yellow is a very happy color. The fire pit looks so inviting. I love your added whimsy as well. A pleasure to join you as host for this lovely garden party. have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

How time changes a garden is my favorite aspect of gardening Gail

Louca por porcelana said...

Your garden is amazing!!!What a great place to stay and enjoy life!Thanks for the party,Jann!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Jann, your late summer garden is really fabulous! It still looks so vibrant. Your new edging looks great, and I love the flagstone with the steppables. Very nice!

csuhpat1 said...

You have a beautiful garden. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.

Sandy said...

Everything looks wonderful. I love all the little twists and turns and sweet things to look at.

Powell River Books said...

You have so many interesting features in your garden. You have so many beautiful flowers and plants. - Margy

Heidi said...

Jann, your garden is stunning, especially for so late in the season. It's not always easy to keep everything looking so beautiful. Thanks for hosting this fun garden party.

Gingham Gardens said...

Wow Jann, I always enjoy your gardening posts, but you outdid yourself with this garden tour. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Western/Mountain gardens are the best of the best. The cooler nights, rich soil and your green thumb delight and inspire! Such detail and rich color around every bend and I did notice your grass too...gorgeous my friend!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Your garden still looks lovely, Jann!!
Thanks so much for visiting and thanks for hosting this lovely monthly Garden Party!!

Thelma said...

Hi Jann. Thanks for hosting this garden party all Summer. I am late joining this month because I've been away most of August, so my garden has been neglected.

I enjoyed the stroll through your garden. We have similar flowers. I'd like to grow white pumpkins. I've tried but they don't seem to grow here.

Take care. Thelma xo
