Spring. . .

Is it Spring yet?


It certainly felt like it yesterday. So much so that I found myself pulling a few weeds that were sneaking their little heads out.

My hubby and I were taking the lights out of the trees and I just couldn’t resist.

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Can’t wait to see the bees and the humming birds!



Don’t all of these little things make you anxious for Spring?


Lady Di said...

I'm so ready to see the bird and bee in my garden too..Just when you think spring is on its way, we get a day like today. Love your calender- just make me one, in your spare time, my talented friend. Oh, by the way, how the chocolate bunny quilt coming along?

freda said...

Jann you calender is beautiful. I love all the things you do and glad I get to enjoy them on your blog. Keep taking pictures.
