This morning as I was out watering my pots I couldn’t help but notice the slight feel of Fall in the air.
Before we know it the leaves will be changing to golden yellows, oranges, and reds. Oh what a glorious sight.
I hope that you have taken the time to enjoy a SWEET slice of summer.
You know me, I love any excuse to pretend I’m a school girl and play with my chalkboard.
I remember as a child anticipating summer vacation. No sweeter time to be had. It meant, slumber parties in the back yard, swimming in the canal, (don’t tell my kids) camping, and family vacation.
Nothing says ‘S.U.M.M.E.R.” more than a sweet slice of watermelon. I have to tell you, my hubby bought this watermelon and it was so sweet and juicy. Well done!
My cute watermelon bowl was a $5 thrift find.
It may be HOT, HOT, HOT; but watermelon is COOL, COOL, COOL.
I’ve pulled out my watermelon décor to bring a bit of that cool indoors.
This is the one time of year that I actually enjoy a few ants in the house.
Just to be safe I keep a few under glass.
Look at these cute shakers that my sister, Julie just sent me in the mail.
I made this stitchery years ago.
Did you ever have a seed spitting contest? Now we’re all fancy smancy and buy those seedless watermelons.
My sister, Jeanne brought these mini watermelon cookies to my home for Stitching Group.
They are a fun and easy cake mix cookie that would be great for a cooking day with the kids or grandies.
Watermelon Cookies
1 box Strawberry Cake mix. Add: 2 eggs and 1/2 C. oil. Mix Well. Stir in 1/2 pkg. mini chocolate chips.
Form into small balls. Bake at 350 for 8 minutes. When cool frost with vanilla frosting. Put other cookie on top. Push frosting to the edge then roll in green sugar.
And don’t forget to take time to enjoy summer!
Sharing with:
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sunday
Alderberry Hill for Make the Scene Monday
Boogie Board Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Diane Writes for Beautiful Sunday
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
A Stroll thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Kathe with an e for Your're Gonna Love it Tuesday
It's a Very Cherry World for Rednesday
Happy Hour Projects for Happy Hour Friday
I love a watermelon theme- I have never seen a ceramic basket like that but I make an actual one out of a real watermelon for any party we have in the summer. I made one for my daughter's baby shower that looked like a baby carriage. xo Diana
This post is so sweet! I love the watermelon bowl! And I'm going to make those cookies with my 4 year old neice who loves to bake. She will think they're such fun!
Thanks for sharing :)
Your not going to believe girlfriend (one of the vendors that will be at my home this coming Saturday) is doing my nails in the gingham check with little ants!! As soon as I saw your pictures of those beautiful salt and pepper shakers, plates and that, I just had to share with they are just adorable...perfect for my lovin anything red!! and gingham..blessings sweet Jann and aewsome summer days girl!
oh my but that watermelon looks tasty!!! Makes my mouth water!! Cathy
I am refreshed just looking at all that cool watermelon goodness. Love the ants on the plates and bowl and how you've corralled them under glass. Ann
mmmm.... We have a watermelon chilling in the fridge! I certainly wish there was even a hint of fall in the air here. Central Texas temps are 105 today! Once again, loving your decor!!
This is such a great post. I felt cooler just looking at all those watermelon pictures.
I think I'll try the cookies this week when I keep my grandchildren.
Everything is just so cute and colorful.
Your post looks so cool and refreshing!
It's great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays but just to let you know, my name is not Kathleen.
Keep cool.
- The Tablescaper
Oh goodness me, I love the watermelon pieces, they're so cute! I'll make the cookies soon, I adore home made cookies. The bowl with the ants is adorable...I also like ants like these ones too! Have a blessed week and thank you for your nice comment on my
laundry room reveal.
Such a cute idea for decorating this time of year! Still in the 90's here but I know fall is just around the corner! Have a wonderful week Jann!
I love everything you have in this post!!! Watermelons are adorable to decorate with and sooo delicious right now! I've enjoyed visiting your blog and will be back!
Cute post. And I think I feel a cool breeze!!
Another fun post! Our watermelons have been so sweet and delicious this year, too. I'm trying the watermelon cookies this week! Thanks for the recipe. . .
Hi Jann!
What a tasty Sunday post! I love your pop of RED throughout. Watermelon just can't be beat on a hot summer's day. And, I'm sure it was just a tad bit sweeter served on all your pretty dishes.
I couldn't help but notice you and your sister's names all start with the letter "J". There were five girls in our family and we (all but one) had "lynn" in our names. What fun our parents must have had choosing our names.
I hope you have a great week, my friend!
I LOVE your watermelon decor! For a second I thought your watermelon bowl was actually a cut up melon! Have an awesome day!
Blessings, Joanne
Hi Jann! Oh, I love watermelon and have bought some delicious ones this year. Your watermelon dishes are so wonderful!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Watermelon says summer to me. When I was teaching school, the last week of school was always Watermelon Week. I taught a unit on watermelon and the last day was a watermelon party, complete with a seed spitting contest. ;-)
Oh, Jann! I just read your brave comment on "If Pigs fly"! I think the only way I would consider staying a night would be if they offered to throw in a "fumigation package deal"!
Have a happy week, my funny friend!
Carolynn ;)
You got a fantastic deal on your watermelon bowl Jann. My mom bought one at an antique store this summer that looks almost the same. Only hers was $18. It was one of those "had to have it" purchases because it was so cute.
Those ants make me smile....just as long as they aren't real ones all over my food! Hope you have a great week!
Cheery, bright and fun! Love the watermelon & ant happy ants have not come inside this year. A bit of Fall in the air? Lucky you! Not here. It will stay hot until mid October. We always get one last bit of Indian Summer the first or second week of October with temps in the upper 90's ...ugh. We have a chalkboard in the kitchen and we love to write messages, poems, scripture, puns, etc on it.
HAPPY Monday~
I always enjoy seeing what you are up to! I love how you take the time to change out your themes - and those cookies look heavenly!
you have some of the best dishware! My husband is crazy for watermelon. I've been buying the small seedless variety at the market. No sign of Autumn here my friend. It'll be in the 100's again today!...ugh xo
nothing tastes better on a hot summer day then cool watermelon! Love all your dishware, very cute!
Congrats on the new addition to your family! How fun are they! I know your'e lovin it!!
Love this watermelon-themed post!
Love those marching ants. They love watermelon, too!
I love what you have done with the watermelon!
I just posted a watermelon recipe - so I had to stop by from the Alderberry Hill linkup to check out all your watermelon goodies. I Love your thriftstore watermelon bowl - Super Cute! I have the same childhood watermelon memories :)
So glad you have a bit of coolness in the is still hot here!...Love all of your watermelon dishes..!!
Great chalkboard too!!!
Jann -- you have a wonderful collection of watermelon themed items. Even though red is a warm color, your summer decor looks cool and refreshing.
Visiting from You're Gonna Love It Tuesday.
Those are great pictures! I love the watermelon dishes.
Your watermelon dishes are just the cutest things ever. I love them. Great vignettes and now I am so hungry. Everything looks soooooo good. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Hi Jann.
Love the watermelon theme, perfect for the summer.
I love watermelon...those cookies look so tempting and the dishes with the ants are just perfect for a summer picnic.
All the Best,
Hi Jann,
I thought your watermelon bowl was real! I thought gosh, Jann has such great knife skills, wish I could do that! :) Love all your summery dishes, so much fun. There are a lot of sweet sweet summer memories packed into watermelon, aren't there?! I can remember eagerly looking forward to it and corn on the cob and days at the beach. Thanks so much for taking me back to those fun days.
Happy Rednesday!
Everything looks great and so cute. My mom always makes a watermelon basket for parties...brings back great memories every time I see one. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.
Such a fun visit for Rednesday and I gotta say, regarding the hint of AUTUMN - YES! ME TOO - Isn't it GRAND!!! :) :) :)
Much like you, I love watermelons. In fact, I often have pieces of it with some pineapple for breakfast. Although I am yet to enjoy some watermelon cookies.
I am impressed by your collection of Watermelon designs and images of table and kitchen ware. Wonderful, indeed. Thanks for sharing!
Cheers ... visiting from REDnesday!
Tito Eric of Panglao Island
those are just adorable!
Love all your wonderful summer ware! The treats all look delicious!
What cute post! Love all your watermelon and summery dishes!! Thanks for linking up!
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