Well my friends, hard to believe that March is coming to an end.
What a crazy month it has been here in UT. In our area we only had one day of rainfall and often had temps in the 60's and even reaching 70 now and then. Very unusual for this time of year.
Because of that many things in our Spring gardens are blooming early.
Spring is my favorite time of year and one of the things I love most is all of the gorgeous blossoming trees.
My pink bloomers are still just in bud, but my Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry and Pear trees have been gorgeous!

The Forsythia always blooms in March here and is one of the first signs of Spring!

My Pasque flower and Hellebores (Lenton Rose) have been known to bloom when there is still snow on the ground.
I love the feathery foliage of the Pasque flower!
A couple years ago I bought some spent Hyacinths for 50 cents at Walmart. They have performed beautifully ever since. I have white, pink, and purple.

Every Spring I plant pots of Primroses for my porch. When they are through blooming I transplant them into the garden. The ones on my East side have really thrived.
I've planted Pansies for Spring color.
The Spring trailing plants have started putting on a show.
Little Violets are ever so sweet.
You can see how dry the dirt is. Really could use some mulch, but it's so warm that I am waiting until the sprinklers are turned on. I'm afraid it would just burn things.
The blooms of this Brunnera remind me of Forget me Nots.
As much as I am loving these warm temps, I surely hope that April will bring us showers!
I will be joining these lovely parties:
I will be joining these lovely parties: