Bottled Blooms. . .

Well my friends, it's that time of year when many of us are busy bottling/canning the bounty of our gardens to enjoy
during the winter months.

This morning as I stepped outside to clip some black eyed Susan's to fill my large ball jar a thought crossed my mind.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could 'bottle' our garden blooms to enjoy long after our gardens have been put to sleep for the winter?

What a welcome sight they would be when we popped open that jar during the long winter months!
This afternoon I bottled my second batch of sweet pickle relish.  So yummy on hot dogs and burgers.
While it was cooking I stepped outside to bottle a few more blooms.

(roses, anemone, chive blossoms, hosta, butterfly bush, scarlet runner bean, and phlox)
These certainly won't last till winter, but I sure am enjoying them now!  I love the color of this rustic crate.  I have had it for quite a few years.  One day I spied 6 of these Ikea bottles at a thrift and they fit perfectly inside.
You know how it is once you start bottling, :)  You are on a roll and you have to do more.  In fact; peach jam is next on the agenda.
The same with my blooms, I wanted to bottle more, more, more! :)

When it comes to bottling, a cold packer is a must.  Mine is as old as the hills, but baby she still works.
This extra rack I picked up comes in handy for showing off
 pretty petals.

(daisy, snapdragon, rose of Sharon, cosmos, hydrangea, feverfew, zinnias, Dahlia ,and Russian sage)
I don't have nearly the color in my garden right now.  I was surprised when I started gathering that when they all came together it was a lovely sight.

I may not be able to bottle blooms to enjoy during the winter, but I certainly will enjoy them as long as I can!
Fall is in the air and soon they'll be but a memory.

This post was featured at Vintage Charm  Thank you ladies!
I will be sharing with these lovely parties:


At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Really cute idea with the flowers, jars and wooden box. Looks great.

quakerhillfarm said...

Don't you just LOVE all of the beautiful colors? What great displays you have made with the flowers. Love it! Have a great weekend!

Stacey said...

I'm just totally turning green over all of your flowers. Our flowers are resting now because of the heat. Your flowers in jars are adorable!

Art and Sand said...

I love all your bottled blooms and the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt!

Kim said...

I needed the oxygen tank after my eyes saw that gorgeous hexie in the opening photo...just gorgeous. Those jars of pickled relish look a treat and how gorgeous are all your blooms. Enjoy all those blossoms, Jann!

Jeanie said...

These are fabulous, Jann! And you may not be able to bottle your OWN blooms all winter -- but that's what buying flowers is for -- that little lift just when you need it.

Summer said...

The bottles and flowers are very pretty ♥

Connie said...

I love your bottles and blooms . . . so pretty, and that pillow with the watering can. Did you make it?
Happy weekend!
Connie :)

Cindy Lou said...

Beautiful !!

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Hi Jann, you have got to be the most ambitious, energetic lady that I know. Can I borrow a thimble full of your magic? Your bottling looks so lovely. I use to keep my out a few days so I could admire it! It is an art. Homemaking skills I hope are not lost on the young. You're my hero!
xx Jo

Anonymous said...

I just made tomato "jam" and WOW was it hot. I think the only way we will be able to eat it is if we serve it with cream cheese. I also made peach jam and I put up some cherries (my hubby's favorite). We live in Connecticut and this year my flowers did NOT bloom. I did not have one geranium or one hydrangea but I did have roses in the Spring. I am going to see what will be on sale next week and I will be putting more veggies up for the winter. I love your blog!!!

camp and cottage living said...

I like how you've repurposed canning implements to use for displaying your pretty flowers, Jann!
There's nothing opening your own canned goods on a cold day, is there. You know just what you're getting, none of those nasty preservatives. I just finished canning blueberry jam and pimentos, not together though!

Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes said...

I just love your bottled blooms, Jann! Gathered all together they really make an impact. Such lovely, artistic displays, as always! Happy weekend! ♡

Betty said...

I love the bottles in the blue crate. I bet that pickle relish is really good. We love it here, but sadly I buy from the store. My Mom used to make and can the best relish, but she never taught me how she did it.

HappyK said...

Your blooms are beautiful. Great idea.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, Jann!! Great idea, too!

Pat said...

Canning is something I never learned, dear friend!
Nothing taste better than home grown canned tomatoes in the Winter!
Love your florals!
Enjoy the "fruits" of your labours!

Mary Ann Potteer said...

Beautifully bountiful with blooms! Love the bouquets. We have a long growing season here in North Carolina, and it's just about time for the fall garden to be planted. Really enjoyed your post!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I love how you've displayed your flowers in bottles.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

You shall enjoy your flowers for eternity right her on your blog photos!!!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I love the way you bottled your flowers! you have so many pretty flowers still. I only have black-eyed susans in my garden right now but they are lovely bottled too.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh your flowers are gorgeous. I have that Blue Canning Jar set! This afternoon I'm visiting all the bloggers that linked at my Fabulous Fall Party last year. This year's party will be at my new blog beginning Sept 1. I hope you'll come over and join the party again! Come see me here:
Let's celebrate Fall together!

Marlynne said...

Have you tried drying flowers? Hanging upside down in low light area with air circulation.

Lavues said...

Such lovely ideas for the beautiful flowers, nice!

Dana said...

We need your gorgeous summer blooms in the dead of winter! I love them all in Mason jars and bottles. There is such charm here. The blooms get the attention and the glass takes an appropriate back seat. I don't like it when the vase steals the show. Thanks for such good ideas!

Winnie said...

How beautiful and colorful! I'm so jealous Jann!!
Flowers add sooooooooo much to the room and atmosphere :)
I really like your idea

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Your flowers are so pretty and I love how you are using vintage canning jars and rack for your arrangement. Thank you so much for sharing at Vintage Charm.

My thrift store addiction said...

Jann, your blooms and sweet arrangements are just lovely!
