It's Halloween. . .
Scary things will come out tonight,
How do you feel when you see a black cat,
Do you want to shoo it and holler out scat?
Do you want to shoo it and holler out scat?
Are you superstitious and feel a bit leery!
Do scary black cats leave you feeling eerie?

I don't know why, but I love them so!
They're silly faces make me just want to go. . .
Go where, you say?
Run out and buy more almost every single day!
It makes my day when I see them hanging around the house.
This time of year you may spot a mouse,
but one things for sure, when you've got black cats,
They're good to control mice and even fat rats!
Now if you love silly black cats, you can have fun creating your own with sculpy clay.
I found this great tin in CA and knew it would be purr-fect for a little black cat.
My friend, Shirley from Zettas Aprons is a master at making heads out of clay. She taught me to cover a Styrofoam ball. The head will be lighter and it will use less clay.
Using my bone tool I made the impressions for his face. I break off a bit of clay and form it into an ear. Attach to head and use a bit of water to blend it into the rest of the clay.
Let it air dry for a day or two and then paint with acrylic paints.
SO much fun!!
Because I love lollies, I made a couple and gave him a
ruffled collar.
This handy dandy tool by Martha Stewart helps to make the lollies uniform in size. Using the bone tool you crease along the lines and then fold it back and forth. You will need two pieces for each lolly.
Isn't he just the silliest?
I added him to my kitchen table. He feels right at home with the rest of the silly creatures.
One things for sure. . .you won't hear me saying,
Happy Halloween!