Share Your Cup #263

Hello my friends,
welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy.
It's what I like to call, "filling your cup"
My cup runneth over with gratitude for all of the love, well wishes, and prayers that have been said in my behalf. 
My hubby, family, and friends have been amazing!! 
I am doing quite well.  I take it one day at a time and am pacing myself.  something that is not easy for this old gal.  lol!  I can not lay in that bed non stop so now and then I get up and do a little fall decorating.  I only undertake one task at a time.  First my kitchen table, then a mantle, and now two mantles.  Feels good to be up moving around, even if it's just a little.
They have not removed my drains yet.  I will be doing a big 'happy dance' the day that happens!!
There is so much tragedy going on right now with hurricanes and fires.  I am praying for all of you!  Been thinking a lot of my Texas and Florida friends.
I have not been on my laptop and have loved staying connected with many of you through fb and Instagram.  It will feel good to be back visiting!  Can't wait to see what you have all been up to!


Pam Richardson said...

Jann, I am so glad you are able to do a few things that you love doing! You look great, hopefully the drains will come out soon! Thank you for hosting dear friend!

Regina said...

It's so good to hear from you! I've been praying for you. I was relieved that though I don't have Facebook, I can at least read your posts.

Pat @ bringingfrenchcountryhome said...

Hi Jann! Great to hear from you and know that life is getting better every day. You'll be out in the garden getting your hands dirty before you know it. Hang in there and keep your wonderful attitude. Hugs, Pat

Old Time Cindy said...

Sending some hugs!!!

Stacey said...

Jann, take care of yourself. Don't spend too much time looking a the bad things on the news. Spend your energy on healing. :)

Louca por porcelana said...

Hi Jann!You are always so cheerful...nice to "hear" from you!God bless you and your family.Hugs!Thanks for hosting!Maristella.

Lynda Hardy said...

Glad you're finding little ways to get up and around - thinking of you and how your recovery isn't too difficult! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Jann, I am glad that you are home and recovering. Slow and steady! Praying for you! ♥

Katie Mansfield said...

I'm glad to see you feel like posting. I have been thinking about you and praying for you.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You are such an inspiration to all of us, Jann! Look at you up doing some Fall decorating! I just love and admire your positive attitude, my friend.
Thank you for hosting your party. Prayers will continue for you....xx

UplayOnline said...

I was relieved that though I don't have Facebook, I can at least read your posts.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting , Jann!!! Sending prayers your way as always!!

twochicksandamom/donna said...

I hope that you heal well and quickly! From a nurse's point of view, I know patients do not care for surgical drains and it is a blessed day when they are removed!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party of yours!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Hi Jann...I am so glad you are doing a bit better. So nice you are feeling well enough to host this. Take care my friend.

HappyK said...

Good to hear you've been able to do a few things. : )

Laurel Stephens said...

I'm glad you're home up and about. I hope you feel better each day as you get your strength and health back.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Thanks for hosting this great party. So many wonderful posts.

So glad that you are feeling better, now take it easy, you don't want to over do. But I know what you mean laying in bed - I get really crazy just laying around.

Take care dear friend and prayers coming your way for a very speedy recovery.


Carol said...

I am thankful to hear that you are up and moving a bit. Take care and thanks for hosting such a wonderful party.

Unknown said...

I hate what you're going through right now but you are a dynamo and I believe that God is greater than any circumstance we face. Thank you for hosting in the midst of it all and blessings to you dear friend.

Melissa said...

I was so glad to hear from you on Instagram the other day and knowing that you're feeling better! I will keep praying for your recovery!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Good Morning Jann - thank you for your fb posts. Hugs and Love and Prayers. Thank you for your 263rd Share Your Cup, always appreciated.

Sarah said...

Jann, what a wonderful surprise to see that you felt like hosting today. I didn't expect it. I trust you are improving. Your are in my daily thoughts and prayers. What an inspiration you are to all of us!

Jean | said...

Jann, sounds like you're recovering nicely. Can't wait till you can do that drains-out Happy Dance!

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are feeling better. Have started to decorate fro Fall,too.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you are doing better. Today I put out some of the outdoor Fall decorations. You can only do so much in a day.

Artsy VaVa said...

Keeping you in my prayers. I'm glad to hear you're able to get up and work your magic around your house.

Salmagundi said...

Jann -- Thanks for commenting on my Share your cup post. You are always so faithful in commenting. It must be a huge job each week to undertake. Thanks. To answer your question about the Anna Peters' china. Yes, they are all signed -- some with just her last name, but a couple with her full name. It's been an interesting search to find them. I would recognize the style of painting, then turn them over and there would be her name; and my heart would skip a beat! Take care, Sally

csuhpat1 said...

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

mjmaterazo said...

so glad to hear that you're doing well. take it slow and of course you must do a bit of decorating. {wink}. sending good {{{vibes}}}! xo-maryjo

Leslie said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers Jan. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Take it easy and have fun with those decorations. Something about pulling out the seasonal décor that makes me smile ~ hoping it does that same for you. I joined SYC ( better late the never) ~ it's been a while since I came along.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Susie said...

Jann, I pray you are coming along well. You are loved by many. Sending big hugs and prayers your way. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

So happy you are doing well! Decorating is a great way to spend some time out of bed. I love what I have been seeing on Instagram!

Jeanie said...

Hi Jann, I am so far behind reading blogs and checking in. I hope the package I mailed last week arrived. I'll look for you on FB! Or look for me!
