Fall Tea and Open House of Hilltop Cottage

Hello my friends,
If there is one thing this gal loves, it's a party!
when many of my friends mentioned on fb that they wanted to come tour 'Hilltop Cottage' I decided to throw a Fall Tea last Saturday.  It was a beautiful day and the weather could not have been any nicer!
My friend, Kimi took this photo the day of the tea and shared it on Instagram.  I loved how she got some of the
tea party in the foreground!
I had lots of offerings to help with the food, but I told them that this was my treat and I wanted them to just come and enjoy.
My friend, Ann however came early and helped me set up.  She truly was a life saver.  Lately I don't realize that things take me longer than they use to.  Lots of the food needed to be assembled at the last minute and I could not have done it without her help!
I brewed raspberry sun tea the day before with tea I bought on my spring trip to South Carolina.  Ann recently gave me the cute drink dispenser for my birthday.  Of course we needed some vintage glasses.  My friend, Joanne found these at a thrift shop recently.  Knowing that I was hosting this tea she sent me a photo asking if I would like them.  At first I said, 'no'; but then changed my mind.  lol!  So glad I did.
Finger foods consisted of:
 Cucumber sandwiches. . .using the recipe that you get if you google "best cucumber sandwiches".  I've made them twice and I truly do think they are the best!  You marinate the cucumbers overnight and they are so yummy!  The first time I made it just like the recipe and it was too much garlic, (and I love garlic).  The second time I omitted the garlic salt in the spread.
Ham and turkey rollups. . .stuffed with cream cheese and pickled asparagus.

Red pepper relish over cream cheese.  A yummy appetizer served with crackers that I bottle every year because my family
loves it so much.

Some of my homemade salsa with chips.  I walked by the cheese balls at Walmart and just had to buy them for the fun factor.  :)
I also made mini cream puffs filled with chicken salad, but I guess I failed to get a photo.
I went a little overboard with the goodies.  You know how it is, you get started and you just can't stop.  lol!
Peach muffins

Apple crisp

Pumpkin bread and magic cookie bars.

caramel popcorn, brownies, apple crisp, and peach muffins (again)

And it wouldn't be fall at our house with out caramel apple bites
licorice caramels.
If you're interested, I shared the recipes for both in
Here are a few new additions to Hilltop Cottage since I posted about her last.
Hubby added the small pergola over the porch area.
She got a new sign proudly sharing her name.
inspired by one I had seen on Magpie Ethyl blog.  I drew out the arrow and my friend, Amanda's husband cut it out for me.  then I printed letters out on the computer and cut them into a stencil. 
A shelf made from an old shutter and some architectural pieces I picked up at an estate sale has been added over two of the windows.  It was perfect for showing off my cooler collection!

Roses have been hung up to dry and a cute banner made from cards gifted to me by my friend, Ann.

 One of my favorite new additions is the chandy.  Not wired yet, (hopefully next year), but it sure is cute!  I bought more bulbs, but hadn't got around to putting them in yet.  (real life)  :)
 The sliding barn door and painting is all finished.  Hallelujah on the painting.  A glorious day indeed!! Painting under the eaves was not a fun job!!  I still want to add a handle to the door and a grow box will be built to the side of it for growing pumpkins. 
 Can't wait!!
 I had fun adding fall touches.

And I finally found a place to hang my old scale that my daughter, Karrah and her hubby, Jayson gifted me a few years ago.

Life is good at "hilltop cottage"  She spreads a little happiness to me every time I walk out into the back yard!

This is going to be an extra long post.  I want to document my friends and family that attended the tea.  Feel free to hurry on by.
Joyce and Kathy (sisters and long time friends)

Jan (long time friend) and her daughter, Kassy
Karrah, (my daughter), Tracy, (my dil), Brenda, Nichole, (my daughter), Jeanna, and Kylee, (my daughter).  Brenda and Jeanna are Nicholes good friends.


Saydee, Jordyn, (granddaughters); Ajia (Brenda's daughter), and Braxton, (grandson).  Some boys are not too cool to attend tea parties!  Good for you Brax!!

Kathy and Amy ( a sweet friend from my old neighborhood)
 Alice, (friend from previous home) and Debra (long time club friend)
Roylene, (long time club friend), my sister Jeanne, and her good friend, Susan.

Shirley (we met through our blogs), and Kimi, (we met through an accuaintance and Instagram)

Cindy (long time friend from our very first home), and her daughter, Kari; and granddaughter, Kali.

Cindy, a friend of Jill (my quilt guild friend)
Kate, a friend of Joanne's (an Instagram friend)

Long time friends, Ann, Peggy, and Amanda.

Dana, (Amiee's mother in law) Amiee is a neighbor friend.

Karen, (a friend I met through Joanne, and Cathy (my neighbor friend).

I had my friends sign my garden book.  I will treasure their comments!!
My sister, Julie and her friend; Paula also attended.  I can't believe I missed getting their photo!!
Hope you enjoyed the tour and fall tea!

I will be sharing with these lovely parties: 


Bernideen said...

How darling Jann!
You had a wonderful show and your tea foods and snacks looking so delicious!

Bernideen said...

Can you put the link to the recipe on this post - there are so many and wanted to see about the "soaked overnite" idea but can't find it!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Jann, what a place and what a party! You are blessed beyond measure, and I'm so happy for you. The party foods looked delicious, all of them! What a way to celebrate fall and life's bounties!

Kim said...

What a feast was to be had at your Hilltop Cottage and what a 'cast of thousands'. =) Your cottage is what dreams are made of, Jann. I have loved wandering around your little piece of paradise, drinking in the aromas of your delicious feast and 'meeting' your friends and family.

Jeanie said...

It's fabulous, Jann, just fabulous! Good thing I don't live nearby or I would have shamelessly been wrangling for an invitation! I love the foods you served -- they really look so pretty and sound so tasty. And your cottage is perfect. You have made new additions since the last post.

I know everyone had a wonderful time -- you can see it in the very happy faces! A hit event -- can't beat it!

Linda W. said...

You really know how to throw a party! Food looks super yummy and your "she shed" has really come together nicely.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Wow. A perfect place for a lovely tea! Impressive, Jan. Folks are obviously right at home in your cottage! Really enjoyed seeing the food and the friends on your post!

Salmagundi said...

You are the "Hostess with the Mostess", and have the perfect venue in your little cottage and yard. How fortunate for your friends and family to be invited to share it with you ---- and for us in blogland, thanks for sharing with us, also. Sally

quakerhillfarm said...

oh, Jann! What a perfect celebration in your Hilltop Cottage! I can see many more occasions in the future to enjoy this little cottage. Wonderful pics of all your friends and the treats look delicious! Have a wonderful week.

Tamara said...

Awwww. I love your cottage! All the special touches are so cute! and your tables and decorations looked so very charming and the food looked amazing! Wow.. you were busy making all those yummy treats. What a lovely gathering with your friends and family! You are such fun and an inspiration! Thank you for the wonderful tour and have a magical week enjoying all the autumn goodness~


ellen b said...

Wow! What a very nice spread for the open house. Looks like a great bunch of folk came to celebrate your Hilltop Cottage!

cloches and lavender said...

What a fun time. I don't know where to begin here? The additions to the cottage are wonderful, loving the pergola and the barn doors. You found the perfect spot for your scale. You can never have too many goodies in my opinion especially at a fun occasion


mimi_62 said...

What a beautiful post, Jann. Saturday's open house was wonderful! Thanks for the invite.

Laurie said...

What an awesome tea party! Your Hilltop Cottage is to die for!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Oh wow Jann- you really put on a nice party! That's a lot of food! I'm jealous that I live so far away and couldn't see your place.
I found a new blogger that I shared your blog with because she seems to be crafty! I hope she'll come by and visit. She's from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh my goodness, Jann- what a wonderful memory you created for so many lovely ladies - what a magical day. I am so happy your Hilltop Cottage is done and looking sooooo awesome - what fun to decorate it any way you care!

Your tea party was wonderful, I am so glad you shared it with us.

Sorry I have been away from computer for so long. I am truly enjoying grandmahood and every spare moment I have - which isn't much these days, it seems - is spent with my granddaughter. These tiny times are gone in the flash of an eye.

Hugs and prayers. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

What a lovely get together and so much food. You really go all out. Having a garden party just before it turns cold is a wonderful idea.
Your Hill Top Cottage is gorgeous :)

HappyK said...

Wow you sure made a lot of food. Everything looks wonderful.
So many lovely friends you have. : )
Love everything about Hilltop Cottage!!

Betty said...

Jann, your Hilltop Cottage is adorable, love the pergola and that scale is to die for on that beeeautiful hanger, OH! Looks like a perfect day shared with lots of special friends and good food. Now I have to hop over to Wicked Treats to get the recipe for the Caramel Apple Bites.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jann! I love this and everything looks wonderful and your food - yummy! How nice to treat all of these ladies and I see a guy too! Wish I could have come.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Debra@CommonGround said...

It all looks like so much fun, and your cottage is just adorable!

Bernideen said...

Wonderful - Jan - thanks for adding the link and please come quick and link to my tea blog party! Ends Wed nite!

Pamela Gordon said...

That looks awesome Jann! Just look at all that wonderful food. Your little cottage is so sweet. I would have fun with a spot like that in my yard. Hubby has a new shed that is really nice but it's full of his stuff and machines....only enough room for my garden pots and tools. It looks like all your friends had a super time at your tea. So fun!!

camp and cottage living said...

What a party, Jann.
Your she shed is already bringing you much joy!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

your little cottage is so adorable. Love that you feel no hurry to get that chandy wired until next year. My kind of girl.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a great post showcasing your darling She Shed and all your lovely friends and the great time that you had together!!

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh Jann, you would so fit right in my family with a party! We don't even need a reason to party! What a great time it looks like you all had. I loved all the food choices and I am like you...I GO OVERBOARD when preparing. Your sweet cottage is just the cutest thing ever Jann. So glad you all had fun. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Sandi Magle said...

What a fun get together and your food looks scrumptious. The cottage would make such a great art studio, oh my, Thanks for the invite to your party. I feel like I was there, Sandi

Stacey said...

This is so special, Jann. I love the way you are so good about grabbing your friends together. We do that too but almost always at a restaurant.

I am totally jealous of the Hilltop Cottage and just might have to work one of those into the plan at our new house. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a wonderful tea! Jann you are a master entertainer--everything looked so delicious and the hilltop cottage was decorated so beautifully!

Rose L said...

Gatherings are always fun and cheer the soul. Looks like all had a wonderful time.

Antiques And Teacups said...

You did a wonderful job! This is so fabulous! I so wish I coud have been there!

Cheryl said...

What fun times! I also love everything about your little cottage!! You have such a beautiful place and it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Love your home and your festive decor. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my goodness Jann, your Hilltop Cottage is a dream come true! How fun to have an inauguration tea with your sweet friends. You surely out did yourself with all the yummy food. What a special party, and thank you for the inside and outside tour. I love the chandelier and those wash tubs outside filled with mums is soooo pretty. This cottage is absolutely perfect and so YOU!

Two Cottages and Tea said...

How fun for you and your guests! Love it all!

Two Cottages and Tea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Oh Jann, looks like you had a wonderfully fun Fall tea party. Hilltop Cottage looks like it has been a part of your home forever. I absolutely love it.

sandi s said...

Your tea party looks like it was so much fun! I love seeing pictures of Hilltop Cottage. Hugs,

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

What a fun gathering! Love the idea of a guest book so you can relive the moments whenever you want to!

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

I knew your she-shed would turn out adorable! It looks like such a great place to gather! What fun you gals had!
