Reading this post may result in Americana overload!
As I visit other peoples blogs I see how sweet and uncluttered their Americana décor is.
The question I ask myself is “why do I have to have so much?” I’ve mentioned before that my Mother-in-law once said, “Give her a space and she’ll fill it up.” I cannot deny, It isn’t a lie!
Didn’t know I was a poet did you? See, I do have other talents besides decorating. Hee-hee
Seriously, I don’t know if it’s a talent or an addiction.
And maybe I’m just a greedy, greedy gopher guts.
Here goes, we’ll start in the entry.
When you first walk in you see this: (click on picture to view larger if you’d like)

Now for a few close-ups.

My jars are one of my favorite things to decorate with.

I made this banner three years ago. Very simple, but it’s really all it needed.

Some of my Patriotic small quilts.

Remember when making rag baskets was all the rage? Well, I made this.

I just bought these buttons at Planted Earth Antiques for $1 each. I pinned them to some vintage military hats I had picked up at a yard sale. Pulled them out of the grandkids dress up closet.

Close up of the buttons. I love the one with the hands and the bird.

I told my friend, Joyce that I was looking for an old window frame. Can you believe she just happened to have one that she was willing to give me. I don’t hang stuff from it all the time. Whenever there’s a holiday there’s bound to be something dangling down.

My sister, Jeanne gave me these kissing dolls for my birthday one year. Notice the sparks flying behind them. K- I- S- S- I- N- G!

I painted this sampler over 20 years ago. Still has a soft spot in my heart.

Now the Living Room:
Uncle Sam is another oldie. I use to have a shop where I taught Tole painting. I have to keep some of what I painted.

Red cupboard hangs over my sofa. Holds some of my Americana plates and bears.

This cabinet made from an old window is home to my red dishes. I bought most of them while vacationing in Virginia.

Humpty Dumpty Sam and Betsy Ross are more of my painting.

A close up of some of my collection. I love them. We pulled them out at Christmas and mixed them with my daughter, Kylee’s green collection. They made our family dinner very festive!
The Family Room:
The runner I made 3 or 4 years ago. The doll a long time ago. Why can’t I part with some of these oldies? You might say that I am just trying to be thrifty and use what I have. I have to come up with some excuse.

I bought Miss Liberty from my Sister-in-law. She was going to sale her. See, she can part with stuff. What’s wrong with me? Actually, I really have given a lot to my kids.

You can’t have a Miss Liberty without an Uncle Sam. One that is balancing flags is even better.

My sister, Julie made the flag y0-y0 for a b-day gift. LOVE it!

Another quilt I made hanging from stair rail.

My mantle

I love this guy. His face is really quite scary. If I didn’t already have so much I would buy more like this.

Couldn’t forget the hearth.

Or the green table

Love my little Americana bird!

Or the chair.
Or the chalkboard.

We interrupt this post to say, “This is going to be too dang long.”
I’ve decided to do it in two parts. I will post the 2nd part on Friday.
Hope you’re still feeling a bit Patriotic and will want to visit me then.
Till then, we’ll still be stylin the Red, White, and Blue!
I will be Linking this post with these sweet gals:
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
It's a Very Cherry World for Rednesday
Ginger Snap Crafts for Wow us Wednesday