Hello my friends, hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
Oh my gosh, what a fabulous time we had at Lake Powell. And I am asking myself, “what took you so long?” Can you believe that I have lived in UT all of my life and this was my first time there?
Breathtaking scenery!

My two oldest kids, Nichole and Lonnie go every year. Usually twice. Now I can see why they love it so much!
They planned this family trip and It was a big success!
A lot of happenings went on and I tried to narrow it down. A difficult task when over 300 photos were taken. Just warning you, lots of pics.
We found a great spot for the house boat with a sandy beach for the little ones to play and rocks for the more adventurous to climb.

The stand up paddle board was tried out by kids of all ages. . .
Will- 22 months.

Kade-19 (we celebrated his birthday on Sunday)

Jordyn & Braxton – both 13

Paityn-8, and Saydee and Jack-both 4

Kylee –25 (she’s our baby, so even though she’s married she’s still a kid). She is heading towards Tapestry wall. We were launched straight across from this beauty.

The rocks were full of little places to hide out.

And lizards to catch.

Klyee and Jordy showed us their mountain top moves. . .

At times some fished off the back of the boat. . .

(Captain Lon, our oldest son and Jack)

(hubby and Kylee)

Or we took a trek up and around the mountain to our little ‘honey hole’ of a fishing spot.
(Jayson, Karrah, Paityn, and Saydee)

Tracie, our dil anticipating the thrill of the catch.

Our daughter, Karrah and her two cute girls, Saydee and Taylor.

Paityn is famous for catching lots of fish on her little princess pole!

Sweet photo of our son, Dalan showing his wife how to cast.

Just before dark I caught myself a striper.

Nichole, (our oldest daughter) gave us all a good laugh with this outfit. We celebrated Kades B-day with a fluorescent day.

Look at all these fish that came out of our ‘honey hole’.
(our son, Dalan and sil, Jason)

Right after they were caught the men got to work filleting them.

On Sunday night we feasted on delicious fish tacos.

Some went off the slide into frigid water. . .

Others created art in the sand. . .

and some got a little high on crack. lol!

Of course there was boating. . .

Kades girlfriend, Ashely holding up the flag.

Don’t ask me why I am in my p.j’s. lol! Don’t even remember this pic.

Plenty of wake boarding, knee boarding, and riding the water wienee.

Not long after this pic was snapped Jordyn and Kylee found themselves riding on water. . .the water wieinee was old and it popped.

We watched the perfect boat movies like Captain Ron and Overboard.

I am snuggled right in there amongst the kids for our outdoor movie night.

We feasted like there was no tomorrow.

This is only a small sampling of our delicious meals. I must admit, I raised a family of great cooks!
We enjoyed beautiful blue skies and gorgeous sunsets.

But never underestimate the power of Mother Nature!
We also had dark, cloudy skies,

and ‘holiday hail’!
Oh my, it was coming down so hard that it sounded like rocks pelleting the boat. I seriously thought that a window was going to break!

Although we had 3 or 4 anchors out the boat started to drift. Those that went out to help tie it down said it felt like they were being shot by bullets. Even left a welt on Kylee’s back.

There was time for playing games, both indoors and out, making jewelry, and snugggling.
(Sam playing lazy man horse shoes. You can’t get out of your chair)

(even the boys had fun beading)

It was a fabulous trip and everyone got along so well. . .always a plus when you have 22 people on one house boat!

Did you have an adventurous weekend or a quiet one at home?