Throw Another Shrimp on the Barbey!–And a Give Away


Last night I squealed like a little girly, “202 Followers”! My hubby said, “Guess I’m going to have to take you to Red Lobster again.”

That was the reward he told me he would give me when I reached 100 followers.

This was back a few months ago when I first started visiting other blogs and linking up.

My actual first link up was with Marty at “A Stroll thru Life”.  It was a bit comical.  Really didn’t know what I was doing. Boy have things changed! lol!

I really love the coconut shrimp at Red Lobster.  Love the crab and lobster too.   What’s a girl to do?  It’s way too hard to choose  Usually I order the shrimp, hubby orders crab and we share.  That way we get the best of two worlds.

Now to some, 200 followers is a mere drop in the bucket. Not to say that they don’t love their over 1000 followers. I say, “The more the merrier”!  To me, it means the world!  I have made so many wonderful blogging friends!   Every time I see a new follower I think, “potential new friend”.  Love everything you all have to share! I know that it’s not really about the numbers, but I would be lying if I said my face didn’t light up every time I  see a new follower.

So, that means, (drumroll please) another give away.  I usually make something for my give aways, but because it’s such a busy time right now I am going to give an apron that my cousin, Betty made.  She loves making them and always has one on hand.



I added the flower on the pocket to give it a bit of pizazz!  Thinking maybe a bit of vintage lace too.


If you are the winner and would rather have a Christmas apron I’m sure we could swap it out. 

Now if over 200 followers wasn’t exciting enough.  Guess what else?  I am a WINNER!  Yes, I won the darling metal sign.  The give away was on Kris at Lake Shore Cottage Blog.  It was donated by Ramsign.



Thanks so much Kris and Tezz from Ramsign!

I absolutely love this and never dreamed that I might win.  I had a hard time choosing the number.  Finally I decided on #7.  It’s my lucky #, the month I was born, and most importantly, the # of members in my immediate family.  Hubby, I, and 5 children.  I  want to just use it as a display piece.  Sometimes on the mantel.  Later, I want to do my craft room in black and white.  Wouldn’t it be a cute piece?  I LOVE anything that has a number on it.  What do you think?  would you have chose a different #?  I thought of  the year we were married, year we moved into our new home, and house #.

Now what to do to enter my give-away.

Hang around, I’m going to tell you. (Had to throw in a bit of Halloween)



1.  First chance, become a follower.

2.  For a 2nd chance, leave a comment on this post, let me know if you’re a follower.

3.  Third chance, post about this give away on your blog or side bar. Leave another comment telling me you did.

Give Away will remain open until:


Let’s see, how about:

Oct. 27th


The winner will be announced:

Oct. 28th


Everyone is eligible to enter.  Good luck, and till next time;

Have a wonderful day!



Joanne said...

Congratulations on 200 followers! Wow your hubby takes you to RedLobster!....ok I'm showing this to my husband...I've been cheated!! LOL! Eat some shrimp for me will ya! I love your blog and I know you will be seeing those numbers rise big time so you will be a regular at Red lobster, I love making aprons too!
Blessings, Joanne

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so happy for you! And yes...I'm a follower and a friend! Love this Christmas aprons, too! Have fun and THANKS, Jann! ♥♥♥

Sherry@The BarnQuiltStore Blog said...

I LOVE Red Lobster shrimp! My husband & I ate there last Saturday PM...endless shrimp is the best!! I'm a fan of the coconut shrimp, too and the pina-colada sauce....yum!!!!!!

Sherry@The BarnQuiltStore Blog said...

And I'm a follower too!!!

Kris said...

Hi Jann. Cute apron. I would like a chance to wear that!! I am a follower! Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

It seems like yesterday you announced 100 followers, at this rate you will be a regular at Red Lobster. I enjoy your blog and now you enjoy your dinner.
Love, your big sis, Jeanne

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Congratulations! I know the feeling, each new friend is wonderful! Yes, I've been your friend for some time and enjoy your blog!

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

I didn't notice the hearts until you showed the close-up. What a darling apron, girl!

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Me? Oh yes, I'm a follower! Such a delightful little place you have to visit and chat and have a cup of! Thanks for this chance!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I would say 200 is wonderful! Red Lobster sounds like the perfect place to celebrate.

Lori V said...

Awsome 200 followers and I'm one of them. Love the Halloween Calander and that apron would be a great addition to my collection. I always wear aprons.
Letting my friends know about your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget me- I'm one of those 200. Your cuz's aprons are wonderful. Maybe i'll be the lucky winner!

★Carol★ said...

I just love visiting here Jann! I love the way you decorate, and I'd love to decorate with that apron!

★Carol★ said...

Oh, and I'm a follower!

Jenny said...

What a fun giveaway! And what a darling apron!

Love the sign you won and how happy your husband is for your blog! Congratulations to you!

Happy 200 +

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Oh those milestones...okay, I am a follower and the apron is sweet!!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Oops...also congrats on winning the sign!

Vicki/Jake said...

Well, I'm the newest follower now, making it 207, and perhaps the luckiest?

Vicki/Jake said...

So now I'll comment about how I love the apron's colors! And the cute little touches... From one Ut gal to another, enjoy the seafood:)

camp and cottage living said...

Hi Jann
I'd love to be part of your give away apron. Congrats on reaching over 200!
I'll tell my readers about your give away next post I do.
You live in a lovely area, so I'm really looking forward to following you!

Shannon said...

A new follower here..what a beautiful apron!

Peg said...

I think it is about time for the girl's to go to Red Lobster again. so, go with your hubby then the next week lets go with the girls. Seriously it sounds so good! I am craving it now. I am a follower always have been always will be. Love your blog!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I headed right over! I'm joining up with all of your many followers! Congrats on the 200 mark. I love that apron!!
