Change of Attitude, Heart, & Taste. . .

As many of you know my youngest daughter, Kylee and her hubby have been living with us for a month.  They have been tying up all loose ends and taking care of business before leaving for Spain Oct. 2nd.

She suggested that we have a yard sale.  I was not too excited about this.  I’ll tell you why.  It use to be that you could do very well with a yard sale in our area.  The last few years most of the people that hold one say it was not worth it.  That hardly anyone comes and they just want everything for nothing.

Ky and Dustin had sold all of their furniture on KSL, but had a lot of small items that they didn’t want to store.  Like a lot of young’uns today, they are very much minimalists.

I knew that it would be a lot of work going through everything and deciding what to sale.  I actually like that part of it.  The organizing and dejunking is something I enjoy.  I just hated to waste a Saturday sitting outside waiting for “no one” to come.

Well friends, I’ve had a change of attitude.  People did come (If you sale it, they will come) and we did very well.

So there you have it, the change of attitude.  Now for the change of heart.

high chair

In ‘1988’ when we moved into our previous home Victorian style was very popular.  I decorated my living room in Dusty Mauve and Stoneware Blue.  Are you old enough to remember those colors?

My MIL still had the high chair that she had used for all of her children.  She gave it to me to paint.

I painted it white and then gave it a light blue glaze.  I stippled a bit of greenery in the background and then painted, daises, roses, and ribbons.  A porcelain baby doll sat in it.




My style and taste has changed, so It has been stored in the basement for years.  I decided to put it out for the sale.

As hubby and I were pulling things out of the garage early Saturday morning he said, “Are you going to sale my old high chair?”

Couldn’t believe that he even cared.  After all, he loves it when I get rid of a few of my ‘treasures’.  I replied, “Not sure, still trying to decide”

No sooner had the words came out of my mouth that I found myself pulling it back in.  After all, I probably would have put $25 on it.  Decided it was too sentimental to part with right now for a measly $25. I’ll let my kids do that after I’m gone. lol!

Kylee also had a change of heart about this jewelry armoire.  When my mom was leaving her home and moving in with one of my older sisters  she gave a lot of her things to family.

This armoire was the only thing Kylee wanted.  She was just a young girl at the time.  A couple of the legs were off.  Her hubby fixed it thinking it would sale better.  At the last minute she decided she wanted to keep it.


Things really have changed.  Remember all of the collector dolls that people use to order out of magazines?  My mom had lots of those.  She dearly loved dolls and had them displayed throughout her living room.

The kids now days really don’t care about them.  Even my grandies don’t want them.  It saddens my heart a little.


I too was (am) a collector.  It’s in my blood. hee, hee.  My collections have just changed from new to old.  I gave Kylee a large collection of Precious Moments as she was growing up.  She wanted to save a couple, but again the minimalist thing. I also bought a lot of Jan Hagara items years ago.  Curious, do any of you know who Jan Hagara is or was?


I didn’t think that any of the collectables would sale.  Happy to say that a few people knew and loved Jan Hagara.  I sold my dolls, two framed pictures, and a set of Victorian doll plates.  I also sold my entire Ark collection and Kylee sold a few Precious Moments.  Yes, I collected Noahs arks. That collection started after visiting San Francisco and seeing a shop with Noahs Arks displayed along a shelf that ran along the ceiling of the shop.  It was instant love. I Loved and enjoyed them for years, but again why store them any longer?  Let someone else enjoy them.

I’m thinking that I should open an ebay account and sale the rest of the dolls and Precious Moments. 

Isn’t it funny how our taste change? 

Would love to know, is there something that you use to love to collect?



Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sunday

Cowgirl Up

Share Your Cup Thursday #27

Hi friends and welcome to Share Your Cup.  Today is the day that you share whatever it is that has helped to fill your cup.  In other words, made you happy.

It’s so many things for all of us and I am excited to see what you have to share.

We are having beautiful Fall weather here in Utah and the leaves are putting on a spectacular show.

Choosing the features is the most difficult thing I do each Weds.  To help narrow it down this week I thought I would feature just Fall and a few Halloween posts.

After all, October is almost here.  I will be pulling out my Halloween décor this weekend.  Can’t wait for the spooks to come out and play!

I loved the Fall mantel created by Shannon from A Southern Belle with Northern Roots


The Enchanging Rose shared these fun apple jars. 


Look at this darling book page pumpkin by Sarah from Sarah Dawn Designs.  Hop over and see her other fun pumpkins. Great tutorials as well.


Maureen from It's all Connected shared this cute burlap door swag.


I love this Penny rug Sally from Salmagundi made.  Great for Fall or anytime!


Now for a little more on the eerie side.  I am going for a bit of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” in my Halloween decorating this year.

So of course it was instant love with this post shared by Carlene from Organized Clutter Queen.  You can bet some of my crows are going to get crowned.

crows 10

 Pollyanna Reinvents shared this spooky black and white vignette.

LACE GIRLS, retreat, halloween shelf 136

Sherry from The Charm of Home showed us how to dress our door up for Halloween for as little as $2.


Last of all, for the little girl in all of us look at this darling pumpkin. Deborah from The Fairfield House created it for the princess’s in her life.


Thanks everyone and please grab my button if you were featured.


Now for a few rules and then let the party begin!

1. I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
2. Link up a particular post and not your entire blog.
3. Please have a link back to this post. That way others will know where the party is. Feel free to grab my button on the sidebar if you’d like.
4. Please find time to visit at least a few other participants. It’s a great way to find new blogs.

For the Love of Decorating. . .

Mercy folks, when you love to decorate like I do the tweaking never ends!

Especially when you have a new (old) piece to work with.

My daughter, Nichole bought this cabinet from a friend months ago.  After sitting in her garage for all that time she called the other day and said, “Mom, do you want that cabinet?  I really have no where to use it.”

Well, let’s just say, she didn’t have to ask twice.


inside cabinet

Many of you know that I had already decorated my porch for Fall.

Well, let’s do a little tweaking.  I love how nicely it fits on my table.  Isn’t it a great color?


Just adding the cabinet was not enough.  Because it’s cooled down a bit I thought it was time for pumpkins.



Don’t you love the textural interest they give throughout the yard?



A sunflower head and pumpkin seem happy tucked in among pots by the garage.


Mums got moved to new places.  Adding Outdoor Furniture to your porch says, come sit and visit for a while.  Oh wait, I have to move the mum. lol!  Don’t ask me what’s up with that mum on the chair.  It’s been full of buds since I bought it but just doesn’t want to put on a show.


I kept the rakes ready at hand for any leaves that might fall.  That’s a bit of a joke because none of our trees are very big.


Now for my newest porch addition.  I was going to wait to hang her with the Halloween décor, but mama was just too anxious!

Look at my new chandy.

She’ll be perfect for Halloween!  I added a glitzy crow dangling from the end.


I had been wanting one to put out on my porch after visiting a local shop.  She had one just lying on top of an outdoor cupboard.

My sister and I were in Brigham City and we stopped at an antique store.  When I wandered into the back room I spied her.  My heart literally skipped a beat.  Afraid of what he might say, I asked; “How much for the black chandelier?”  He walked back and said, “Oh, I’ll let you have it for $25.  A big fat, S.O.L.D.  When he got it down it was marked $55.  Felt pretty darn good about that!

She was filthy, but after giving her a good scrub and getting her hung I love her!  The only that could make her any better is if she really lit up.


A few flowers still remain giving a bit of Fall color.



How about you, been doing any tweaking lately?



I will be joining:

Cozy Little House for Tweak it Tuesday

Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Knick of Time Tuesday

Cowgirl Up

Lavender Garden Cottage for Cottage Style Party

Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday

Color My World!

Sometimes I like to imagine what the world would look like if it were perfect…

In a perfect world there would be color. . .lots and lots of color!

Oh, I forgot. . .there is!


In other words. . .the world is perfect.  The people in it, however still need a bit of working on.

Today we took a ride up Provo Canyon.  Even though it was overcast and cloudy the mountains still put on a fabulous show.  Imagine what it would look like if the sun had been shining!

PicMonkey Collage

The conversation behind this collage.

Me to my daughter:  take a picture of dad and I by this gorgeous bush.

Kylee after taking 1st picture:  Okay, now gaze into each others eyes.

3rd picture:  Self explanatory

PicMonkey Collage






Take a ride with me.

I hope this helped to color your world a little brighter today!



I will be sharing with:

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday

Little Red House for Mosaic Monday

Lisas Chaos for Macro Monday

Kathe with an e for You're Gonna Love it!

Celebrating Autumn. . .

Today was the official first day of Autumn.

What better way to celebrate than by throwing a party?

The woman in my family use to get together quite often for what we called, “A woman’s party”.  We all brought a gift to exchange and a potluck food item.

The older we get some of our traditions have fell by the wayside.

Distance and age keep us from seeing each other as much as we’d like.

I decided to throw one last Hurrah before the snow flies.  Yes, here in Utah it won’t be long.

I wanted to keep it simple and let the garden do the decorating for me.


You can’t go wrong with Zinnias and blue vintage jars and bottles.



Appetizers were set up inside then taken outdoors when everyone arrived.


An old wheelbarrow works great as a drink station.  Can’t believe I missed getting a pic of the wonderful food table.


We had a great turn out.




None of us like having our picture taken, but it was a must!

The girls, as mom always called us:  Me, Jeanne, Julie, Dolores, and Joanne.


Me and my girls


We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day.  The weather was perfect and boy did we have great food and good laughs.

My sister, Jeanne brought a lot of family photo albums that we enjoyed.

I thank God for being part of such a fun family!

Hope you had a wonderful first day of Autumn!



I will be partying with:

Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sunday

Alderberry Hill for Make the Scene Monday

Fishtail Cottage for Garden Party

How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday

Share Your Cup Thursday #26

Hi everyone and welcome to Share Your Cup.  Can’t wait to see what wonderful things you have all been up to this week.

If you’re new here, happy to have you!  Share whatever it is that fills your cup. Or in other words, makes you happy.  It’s a pretty broad spectrum.  Just love seeing what you have to share!

Features from SYC #25

I love the enamelware collection shared by Shannon from A Southern Belle with Northern Roots.  She has so much more.  Hop over and see!


Look at this vanity makeover by Liz from Quirky Vistas.  Go see what she did inside the drawer.

vanity finished

Laura’s daughter Andrea and her roomie up scaled and installed this bookcase.  I thought it was so fun.  You will find Laura and Andrea at Cottage and Broome.


Debi from Adorned from Above did a fantastic job recovering this sofa.  You would not believe what it looked like before.

couch front with cushion (1 of 1)

Revi from Revisionary Life shared a wonderful post about being a visionary.  Seeing something and having a vision of what it could be. 


Now for a few Fall features.  Lots of great ones, but showing just a few.

Oh my gosh, I fell in love with Dru’s  Her Crows.  That’s what she calls them. Meet Blanche. They were all so darling I wanted to show them all to you.  Guess you’ll just have to go see at The Country Farmhome


 One More Time found an old carpenters tool box and created this stunning Fall arrangement.


Another wonderful Fall centerpiece created by Maria Elena from Our Home Away from Home  She also created these fun Fall Blocks for her mantel.  Check out both of her posts.



And last of all, look at this one created by Fabby from Fabby's Living.  I loved how she used natural elements.

My English buffet has fallen! 006

Thanks so much and please grab my button if you were featured.


Now for a few rules and then “Let the fun begin”!

1. I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
2. Link up a particular post and not your entire blog.
3. Please have a link back to this post. That way others will know where the party is. Feel free to grab my button on the sidebar if you’d like.
4. Please find time to visit at least a few other participants. It’s a great way to discover new wonderful blogs
