Bountiful Baskets, Overflowing

 Hello my friends,
and welcome to my blog!

Share Your Cup #311

Hello, and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy.

Kimi's Garden Shed

Hello my friends,
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!  Guess what we woke up to yesterday morning?  SNOW.  Yup, that white stuff that we certainly do need.  Luckily it's all melted now and the garden looks pretty again.
This is my friend, Kimi.
I wanted to take you on a tour of her sweet garden shed.

Pitchfork Scarecrow Tutorial. . .

Hi my friends,
You know how much I love salvaged treasures, right?
Well, today I am popping in for a few minutes to remind you that I am sharing how to make a pitchfork scarecrow over at Deborah's.

Share Your Cup #310

Hello, and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy.
It's what I call, "filling your cup".

Fall Comes to Hilltop Cottage. . .

Hello and welcome to the fabulous
Fall Porches and Patio Tour put together by sweet Amber, from
I feel that I share my porch often, so today I am sharing how fall came to Hilltop Cottage.


Share Your Cup #309

Hello and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy.
It's what I call, "filling your cup".

A Beautiful Fall Day in the Canyon

Hello my friends,
just down the road and to the East of us is the beautiful American Fork Canyon.
We love going up there, but on the weekends it is so busy.
Why not go during the week?
One of the benefits of hubby being retired!

Silly Black Cats. . .

Hello my friends, and happy October.
October is the perfect month for asking, "how do you feel about cats?"  Do you love them or do you want to shoo them away and say, "scat"?
