Catching up, Summer Grandma, What's next?

Hello my friends,
I have been wondering when I would share my news with each of you?  I have such a fondness for so many of you!!
If this post doesn't make sense, hopefully you will understand it after you have read it a time or two.  :)
This sweet Kabyree has made me a Great Grandma for a second time.  She is such a sweet heart!  She came home from the hospital last Tuesday and stepped right into our Halloween party.

This is my first great granddaughter, named Charleigh.  She is always so happy and always has a smile on her face!  She will turn one in December.

I have had a bit of a set back lately.  I knew something was not right and I have been going to lots of dr's lately, trying to get it figured out.
What is glioblastoma brain tumor?


Glioblastoma multiforme is a fast-growing brain or spinal cord tumor. It affects the brain more often than the spinal cord. These tumors grow from glial cells which form the (supportive) tissue of the brain and spinal cord.
I have been diagnosed with this symptom.  It takes me a lot longer to write anything and it often doesn't make a lot of sense.  :(
So because of this I will be needing to stop sharing Share Your Cup.  I started sharing it clear back in "2012".  It makes my heart feel very heavy that I need to end it this way!
I am not meaning to shock you, but this will eventually end my life.  I am going into the surgery next Thursday, the 15th of November.  The same day my "SYC" began.
I have had a few weird things happen.  I can no longer cry!  I use to be a big bawl baby and I don't even like Diet Coke any more.  I guess both of those come from something on the left side of the brain.  Now I am no longer a dumb blonde, but a silly one as well!
I will try and share the results of my surgery.  I hope you will receive it.  There is so much that I love from all of you and will share what I can!
You may remember that I did not have to have Radiation or Chemo treatment after my double mastectomy.  I was hoping this did not have anything to do with it.  It looks like it doesn't so that makes me happy.  Just another mell of a hess!!
Love and miss you,


kayhil said...

Beautiful babies!
I am so very sorry for your report. I will certainly miss your Share your Cup
posts. I will put you on my prayer list that your surgery will be a success. I pray for guidance for your surgeons and for your doctors as they make a plan for your treatment. I pray for comfort, peace and strength as you face the days ahead. Remember that God has the final say so do not give up hope but put your hope in the one who is our healer. Love and hugs for you.

Sandra @ Dinner at Eight said...

Jann, this must have been a terribly difficult post to write. I'm saddened by the news and wish you all the best in the days ahead. Your beautiful grandchildren will surely bring joy. Thank you for all you've done and shared.

Creations By Cindy said...

Dear Jann, Your grands are beautiful. I am so very sad to hear this report. Dearest Lady, please, please, please know you are being added to my prayer journal right now. I am praying now that God goes before you and levels the mountain and that healing comes. Jann, there is no doubt in my mind that our Lord is holding you in the palm of His mighty hands. Love you sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jennifer Wise said...

Congratulations on the sweet great grandbaby! I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I pray you and your family will be blessed through this. Just know that you are already a blessing to them, and that legacy lasts for eternity. Much love. And thank you for always doing such an amazing job with Share Your Cup. xoxo

Regina said...

Cograts on your new sweet great grand! I'm so so very sorry to to hear of this newest setback. I will be praying for you and your family as you walk through this.

Heidi said...

Jann, hoping and praying that your surgery goes well!! I have been visiting SYC for so long, and I've always looked forward to it, like visiting a close friend. There were times when you really lifted my sprits. I will be watching for your updates. Stay strong, stay funny, and stay optimistic. It's the best thing you can do. Congrats on the great-grandbaby, what a doll! Lots of love, Heidi

Kathryn Griffin said...

Oh, sweet Jann! Congrats on the newest, little pretty that has entered your life! I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis! I will be praying for your complete healing!! Please keep us posted or have one of your sweeties keep us up to date if you are unable to. This will help us to know how to pray for you in the coming days and months! Much love to you!! Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Jean | said...

Jann, I'm so sorry to hear this. Of course, you will handle this with great strength and positivity as you always do, but still … Wish you could have smooth sailing from now on.

Loni said...

Sweet Jann, my thoughts and prayers are with you!!! I'm praying for miraculous healing. I have loved reading your thoughts and I hope you can check in with us now and again to let us know how you're doing. Lots of Love, Loni

Jacqueline said...

Dearest Jann, you are such an amazing inspiration to all of us. You are always so positive and filled with energy and love. I have been praying for you and pray that the surgery will go well. Isn't that funny that you don't even like your soda anymore! Sure love you! Hugs, hugs and more hugs!
You are definitely too young to be a great grandmother - what darlings!

Connie said...

Your grands are beautiful . . . I just want to hug them. Tell me what is sweeter than sitting with a baby in your lap . . . our laps were made for babies :)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I am so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I will be including you in my prayers. If you are not able to let us know how things are going, please have someone in your family post about how you are. I am sure many of your Blogger friends would be grateful for that. I have enjoyed our friendship through Blogging and I have loved seeing your beautiful home and linking up to your link parties especially the Holiday ones. Enjoy your family and do not worry about us!! Sending much love and prayers to you and your family...

Handmade in Israel said...

I am so very sorry to read your news. I have enjoyed corresponding with you through SYC and loved looking at your beautiful home. Wishing you strength and better health. Enjoy those little girls.

Pollyanna said...

Dearest Jann. You are so beloved by so many, especially me. You are truly my hero. You are so amazingly kind and generous to all. I pray you’ll feel great joy in knowing what a truly extraordinary life you have lived. I know your time here will be filled with the great love you inspire in people. I am grateful for my knowledge that I can be your friend and admirer for all eternity. I’m so glad this blog brought us together, and that I can go back and reread it. All my love. Paula.

Marie-Interior Frugalista said...

I am so saddened to read this Jann. I was going to send an email if you didn't post the party this week to ask if you were okay. You are in my thoughts and prayers from Canada and sending cyber hugs your way. I hope those adorable little great grandbabies bring you lots of joy during this challenging time. xo 💐

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Dear Jann you have always lived life to the fullest! I have faith you will embrace this set back with grace and enjoy all your days to come and will look forward to meeting our Lord and Savior with joy and peace. I am praying for you, my friend!

Old Time Cindy said...

Jann, I am so sorry to hear about your latest health issue. I was afraid something might be wrong when I noticed that you were not posting on your blog. You have been through so much, but have always managed to be so positive. Wishing you the best and sending hugs!

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable Grands!Blessings,blessings and blessings!Big hug!

Unknown said...

What beautiful babes these two are!

I am saddened to hear the news you have shared with all of us today. I cannot imagine what you have faced in learning this and I so respect your courage to share it with us. I am praying the Lord will meet you as never before in this challenge and give you grace and peace in the midst of the trial. Asking also that you will be able to savor each moment of each day that He gives you. When we are not facing something like this, it is too easy to forget we only get one moment and one day at a time.

I hope you will be able to share, but it you cannot I want you to know I will not forget you or the story you have shared here.

Love and hugs from OH,

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers! I have always enjoyed your blog!
Hugs from Washington,

Art and Sand said...

Sitting here sobbing!

I have know for awhile, because a sweet friend told me the sad news, but I was waiting to hear it from you. My thoughts, prayers, love and so much more are with you my sweet friend.

Take care of yourself, love those little ones and let everyone love on you like you know they want to!

Salmagundi said...

Jann ---- I've been wondering about you as it not normal for you to be absent from the blog world. What a joy your blog and SYC has been. Please keep us posted. I'm so saddened by this news, but I want to put some hope into your journey. My daughter, Jenni, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumor almost 13 years ago. Her kids were 4 and 9 at the time; and she said that she had to survive. So, after surgery, 7 weeks of daily radiation, and 7 months of chemo, plus a rough year with lots of prayer, she is still alive, functioning as a mother, wife, and daughter. She, of course, has her troubles with memory and stamina, but is able to drive, etc. to lead a relatively normal
life. There is hope for you, but the journey is not easy. My prayers are with you and your beautiful family. You have been a blessing to me. Sally

Kim said...

Oh dear, beautiful Jann, I am overwhelmed with sadness at the news of your new cancer diagnosis. I know your beautiful family will help you through this most difficult journey and please be assured that you have many, many people wrapping their thoughts and prayers of love around you at this time. Sending you much love and many beautiful hugs to you, my dear friend. Please take care and may your beautiful new grandaughter delight you with her smiles.♥

Jeanie said...

Oh Jann, this had to be the toughest post you ever had to write. Scary as all get-out and as you said, a hell of a mess. But your positive spirit, strong sense of self and determination and gritty get-through-it attitude will take you far, as will your wonderful team of doctors and your support system. I hope that if you can't post for whatever reason, someone in your camp will hop on and let us know what's up.

Of course we will all miss Share Your Cup because we love it and the wonderful things YOU share with us, but that's not important right now. You are. Let our prayers and good wishes wash over you like a soft blanket and hold tight to those thoughts. And hold tight, too, to those sweet little ones in your life. That part of this post is very good news in deed -- congratulations. Much love.

Stacey said...

Dear sweet Jann, I'm so sorry about your recent diagnosis. You must be scared and sad all while feeling joyful over those babies. I just adore you, even though we've not met in person. You will definitely be in my prayers.



kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my friend, Jann, I so appreciate you always sharing your news with us, and I'll be praying and praying for you. Your are such a joy and have such a positive outlook on life. God bless you, and may He wrap His loving arms around you. ((Big Hugs)) are sent to you.

Mareliz said...

Hello Jann, I missed your posts the past weeks and now I know why.But I am happy to hear from you now and youve got that lovely adorable. I wish you all the best with your sickness. You are a fighter and I will include you in my prayer that you would do well in all of this. Take care and please write if you can.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I have been missing your posts and Share Your Cup and I was hoping it was because you were off on a fantastic trip! The more time that went by the more worried I got but I was not expecting this news. It is scary and the future unknown but I am going to pray for the miracle of healing for you! As always your post is bright and cheerful despite this news. I think that is why all of us in blogland love you so much! Your great grandchildren are just precious.

Thelma said...

My dear Jann. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis . I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best in your surgery. You are blessed with two lovely grand babies.
I've always enjoyed your blog and your style of decorating your home and your beautiful flowers. God bless you my friend. Big hugs! Wishing you strength and better health.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am so sorry to hear of this diagnosis. I will keep you in my prayers. I will miss sharing my cup with you.

Jackiepacheco814 said...

Dear Sweet friend,I'm so happy for your new babies they are truly a blessing from God.I have followed you from the begaing all your beautiful designs of your house and yard,Your Heath news is just horrible but remember when you went through this with your Breast cancer your a strong lady and this is just another hurdle God has put before you.Stay strong and remember you have touched so many with your beautiful stories of home and family,We all are praying for this to soon pass,much love and prayers from Northern California ❤️����

HappyK said...

Oh Jann, I am so sorry to hear of your illness. I will be praying for you each morning while I am out walking. It's been a joy to follow your blog.
Enjoy those babies.
May God keep you in the hollow of His hand.

Barbara said...

Many will be praying for you as will I. Your beautiful great-granddaughters need your love, so hurry back for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I am saddened to read your news and will miss your messages and pictures. They show your happy personality, which I know your family loves. Your clever crafts make me wish I had a teeny bit of your talent.

Hope your journey is peaceful and pain free and that you can be with your family as much as possible.

Take care, Connie

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jann, I haven't known you very long, but I certainly have enjoyed the time that we shared. Your home is beautiful and your great-grands are just precious. I can't imagine writing a post such as this but you do it with so much grace and I'm certain that your surgery will go well. You are in my thoughts and prayers my dear friend..xxoJudy

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Dearest Sweet Jann- My heart is heavy reading this. You are loved by so many and will be in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless

Kim said...

Oh my God, Jann, I'm praying for you. God bless you and your family. Kim

PC said...

Jann, I am very sorry to hear this. Enjoy every day with the grands and know you have a lot of people praying for you.

Mary K. said...

Jann I am so saddened to hear this news from you. I have been following your blog for three years now and cannot imagine not coming to the party. I will be praying for you Jann, you are such a sweet lady and a bright light for all of us. Spend your days with your beautiful family and I will be thinking of you always.

Pam Richardson said...

Dearest Jann, when I read this early this morning it took my breath away. You were one of the first bloggers to reach out to me. You are so loved by all with a great sense of humor and so gracious and kind. You are in my prayers dear friend, and I know that God will sustain you and give you peace. He is also the Great Physician who can heal. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, beautiful lady!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Oh sweet Jann, my heart feels so very heavy for you right now. I am so sorry to hear this but thank you for sharing it with us, I'm certain it was incredibly difficult. I will remember you in my prayers. I have enjoyed your blog so much, you always gave such inspiration with all of your craft projects, and you always made me smile with your sense of humor. Thank you for that. Although I have never met you in person I feel so blessed to have met you through blogland and to call you my friend.
Sending love and hugs,

naush said...

So sorry to hear of the sad news. Please know that I am praying for you. Please keep the faith.
ps. your granddaughters are little dolls.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Jann, I write this with a very heavy heart. I am speechless. This news is hurting me to the core. I will be praying for you. Please know that you have always added much sunshine to our lives. Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I as so many thousands of others will be thinking and praying for a great outcome and quick recovery Jann. I am
So very sorry that you are going through this most difficult of times.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Jann with all my love and prayers for you and your beloved family and all those who are caring for you both before, during and after your operation in the next many weeks and months and more. You are the kindest blogging friend to so many who love you. I remember back in 2012 when you began hosting Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson - you taught us how to be good guests and how to expand our horizons. Sending hugs and love and prayers every day.
You have the sweetest little great grand-daughters and grands and grownup children who gave you those precious children to be Grandma to.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Dearest Jann, I am sad to hear your news. One thing I know for sure is that you have a deep faith and you will live eternally, regardless of your body's limitations. I believe that. Your great granddaughter enters this earthly life as you begin your journey to the next. You are a woman of grace, and I hope you can help us all understand the journey better so that we can hope to be just a bit more like you, carrying ourselves in faith and grace. Blessings to you and your family for strength in the days to come. XO


Hello Jann, it is so important for you to concentrate on the present and not to worry about whats in store for the future. Enjoy your life with your family, although i am a newcomer here i can truly say your blog is a wonderful reflection of a wonderful person that you are. I will pray for you and remember you are not ever alone, sometimes you just need to chat with someone to place things in perspective if you ever need to chat i will inbox you my email, Jann you have so many people that truely care about you i can see that here. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Lisa@ Sweet Tea N'Salty Air

Linda W. said...

Oh Jann I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way for both you and your lovely family. Please keep us updated as you are able.

Cindy@CountyRoad407 said...

I will be praying for you and your family. Please keep us posted or have someone in your family post for you. Big hugs.

carol@The Red Painted Cottage said...

Jann, I was so shocked to hear your sad news. I will add you to my prayer list for you and your family to have peace and comfort. Big hugs and blessings to you in the days ahead!

My thrift store addiction said...

Jann, Your great-grandbabies are beautiful! I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Cecilia

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful grand babies! I am sorry to read this. I had been away from blogging, just because. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.


Sarah said...

Jann, we've already talked, but let me say agin how deeply sad I feel that his has happened to you. Words can't express the loss I feel for the pain and stress that you and your family are expreriencing. November 15th will be a day I focus all my positive energy on you and the doctors operating. You are loved by many. SYC was a wonderful idea that you shared with so many. Take care, dear friend. I will keep in touch.

Lady of the Manor said...

I just became a Grammy in September and can understand your excitement upon the arrival of a new GREATgrand!! I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Please know I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, sweet lady! Zenda

Botanic Bleu said...

Dear Jann,
So many of your friends have expressed my same feelings for you and the road that lies before you. May you find comfort and joy from your family, friends, and care givers in the upcoming week as you begin the journey battling your disease. I find hope in Salmagundi's daughter's journey who traveled a similar path as yours.

You were one of the first bloggers to extend your hand of friendship to me when I began blogging. Thank you for your friendship and support over these past few years.

Prayers for you, your family, and all the care givers,


Carlene @ Organized Clutter said...

Oh Jann, my friend, this is heartbreaking. You are such a great blogger and sweet, kind person. I pray for a miracle, and success with your surgery. God bless you!

CC said...

praying miracles for you....thanks for sharing SYC for all this time. your great grands are beautiful!!

Susie said...

Jann, I will always think of you with were so kind to offer me your number when my grandson moved to Salt Lake wanted me to know if he need someone quick ,you were there. I will always love you for that. Jann, You are in my prayers and thoughts. God bless your sweet soul. I know God is good and answers prayers. Praying for all of you. ,love, Susie

csuhpat1 said...

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

Nikki said...

Mom, reading this post overwhelms me with great sadness but at the same time I am filled with the overwhelming gratitude that I am so lucky to call you mom. You are such an inspiration to to all of us. You've touched so many people with your love of life and all things crafty, your great example of how to treat others and always welcome so many people into your life, your strength, and love of family and your great spirit and optimistic outlook even when things are at their worst. There are so many things that I could say here about the things you've taught me and I have a long road to aspire to be more like you. I love you more than words can say. I know we have a very difficult road ahead of us, lots of sad times and more importantly lots more good times. We are all so lucky to have each other and some how we will find the strength together to get through this. Love you with all my heart! Love, Nikki

The eldest son said...

First of all I would just like to thank all of you for the wonderful comments about my mom and for keeping her in your prayers. She is the most amazing person I have ever had the privilege of being around let alone being so lucky to have her as a mother. The news although heartbreaking has been hard but mom has taken it with such grace and a great outlook as she has done for everything in her life. We know that god is watching over her and will do what he needs to. I just hope as I continue to go through life that I can always go about things the way mom does.

God bless,

Gina said...

Jann, oh dearhreart, I will be praying for you. May God comfort you and give you peace. May the surgeon's hands bring healing to your body. xo

Paula@SweetPea said...

Jann, I am so very sorry to read about your diagnosis. I will be praying for you as you face surgery and treatment.

Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors said...

Sweet Jann, your grandbabies are beautiful, and I know that they must bring you great joy! I will continue to keep
you in my thoughts and prayers. It is always so much fun to be on the blog hops with you! You are such a talent, and always share the prettiest vintage treasures. Take care, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

Katie Mansfield said...

Oh Jann, I'm so sad to read of your news. You will be in my prayers -your family as well. May the God of all comfort wrap his arms around all of you. May heal your body completely. Please keep us updated.

Cherie said...

Oh Jann.... I don't know what to say. My heart is aching for you and you are very firmly in my prayers. Sending you a great big gentle hug.

Elizabeth sue shepard said...

Congratulations on your new grandchild. You have a beautiful family. Jan although I have never met you in person I feel as though I know you through your wonderful blog. Reading your blog brightens my days. Thank you for sharing your God given talents with us and your journey through life. Words cannot appropriately say what my heart wants to say to you during this difficult time in your life. Being of strong faith God will be by your side all the way. I will pray for you and your family and put you on our prayer list at church. May God comfort you and give you strength, courage and peace. ❤️❤️❤️

Pat said...

What a blessing these great grand girls are in your life!
My prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Lifting you up in my daily prayers.

Cindy The Victorian Journey said...

I have followed you for so many years. No longer posting on my own blog and still follow yours. I will be thinking and praying for you. May God bless you. It saddens me that life is like a roller coaster and the dips are deep sometimes. Sending hugs, love and prayers..
Cindy Martin
The Victorian Journey..

Cindy Cain said...

Jann, I am just seeing this, so it is possible you are in surgery now! You have been a sweet inspiration to me for so many years. I love your blog and style. Mostly, I love playing words with friends with you 💜 Enjoy all the moments to come and celebrate each day as a victory! I am sending many prayers and huge hugs your way 💗

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jann I am so sad to read this, but your faith is an inspiration to us all. I'll be praying for you and your beautiful family. Thank you for the many years of SYC!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

OH my darling, I'm sending you the biggest hug you can imagine. I am just now reading this on the 15th. Your surgery may be complete, but I'm going to pray right now anyway.

Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over Jann. I speak life, peace, wholeness to her mind and body. I speak LIFE. Father give her all the love, care and correct medical attention she needs while YOU do the miraculous. God bless her and her family and friends in Jesus' name. Give her all the support she needs please. In Jesus' name, amen.

Tea in the Library said...

Standing in agreement with Laura's prayer above. I believe God's Word, that the prayer of a Godly man availeth much. Standing in faith for healing and the peace that passes all understanding. You have been a light shining in darkness. Thank you for the joy you brought into my life sweet friend. God Bless.

Pamela Gordon said...

Dear Jann,
I am so very sorry to hear this news. I pray that whatever the outcome, God's hand will be upon you and give you His peace, strength and healing. I have enjoyed following your blog for a number of years, even though I haven't visited in a while, but I also follow you on IG and have noticed a decrease in your posts there. God bless you. You have made this world a brighter place and I wish you well.
God bless you.

Debby Ray said...

Oh Jann...first, congratulations on the new baby girl! What a precious little one she is. I was so saddened when I read further and found out about your diagnosis. I want you to know I have been praying for the Lord to reach down His healing hand to you. I just read the update on Facebook and was so glad to hear that the surgery went well!. You are such a trooper and quite the inspiration. God Bless you as you start the recovery process and will be looking forward to hearing the next positive update. I will continue to lift you up, dear Jann....HUGS!

Pat @ bringingfrenchcountryhome said...

Dear Jann, What a shock to read your post. I've just read all of the comments to you and they must give you a warm feeling. I know you believe in miracles so don't give up. Enjoy every day as you always have, especially with your beautiful grandbabies. Stay strong. Blessings to you and your family. Love and big hugs, Pat

Debra@CommonGround said...

Jann Dear, I'm just now reading this on the day after your surgery. My prayers are with you, and I know God is with you and in control. Please stay positive and in His Peace. Thankyou for sharing with us what's going on in your life. We are all with you, much love and healing is coming your way. Debra

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Oh Jann! Something told me to look at blogs today - I haven't looked at them in forever. I'm so sorry to hear your news. It's the day after your surgery now. Please know you're in my thoughts and I am sending lots of love and prayers. Sally xoxo

Jeanne McFadden said...

UPDATE on Jann's surgery:
The surgery went better than the Doctor's hoped for. They were able to remove most of the tumor. She will be able to go home soon. Her left eye is still swollen and bruised. We are so thankful for all the prayers, love, and concern.
Hopefully Jann will be able to keep everyone updated soon.
By: Jeanne Chorniak McFadden (Jann's sister)

Little Susie Home Maker said...

Dear Jann,
I really love to see your beautiful new great-grand daughter and your first one, too. They are absolutely beautiful. What a blessing!
But hearing about your health news really was a shock and my heart is so sad. I am immediately praying for you. I read through the comments and the outpouring of love is so wonderful and such a testimony of how you touch so many people, including me.
So happy to hear how well your surgery went and praying for the best possible outcome.
You are such a beautiful person and have the biggest heart. I remember when you started blogging and I became one of your fans. Always, so inspired by your ideas and good tastes. I was happy when you started being on Facebook. That's where I spend more time now. You always have such a cheerful message to share with us.
As hard as it must have been, I am thankful that you decided to share your recent health with us. Because you are right that there is power in prayer. And prayers you are certainly going to be getting from me and so many others.
God bless you and your family.
Susie Reynolds
