Share Your Cup #231

Hello and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy. 
It's what I call, "filling your cup".
Lots of things have been filling my cup this last week.  Hubby and I just finished our first project of '2017'.  Nothing big, but I am loving it!  I'll be sharing it soon.
Also, I have been helping a friend with her Aunt's estate.  She passed away recently and had so many treasures.  It's quite an undertaking, but I am definitely getting my 'pickin' fix!  :)
Last week I shared A Winter's Tea that I enjoyed on a cold Sunday afternoon.  I curled up under a cozy blanket and sipped
as I watched the BBC documentary The Edwardian Farm.
I also shared  A Hearty Winter's Meal. This rib sticking recipe of cabbage and potato dumplings was passed down from my Czechoslovakian ancestors.
I want to thank all of you for continuing to support
Share Your Cup!
Now for the features from SYC #230:
Christina from Organic Garden Dreams wished us all a 'Happy New Year' and shared these gorgeous white roses picked fresh from her garden.  Oh, to pick roses in January!
Diana from Adirondack Girl at Heart often shares her travels with us.  Oh my how this barn at Sharon Springs made my heart swoon!  May have something to do with the fact that it's red.

Must admit, I was surprised at how gorgeous this vinyl flooring is shared by Kelli from Lolly Jane.  That fabulous bench stole my heart as well!

Janice from Curtains in My Tree shared her latest finds of red transferware. One of my favorite things to collect.
Linda from A Labour of Life shared the how to's for these yummy peanut butter Oreo truffles.
Thanks so much for sharing and please grab my button if you were featured.

Hoping to have a new featured button for you soon!


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Lovely features. Hope you have a great day!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Hi Jann, looking forward to seeing your project. I love the potato cabbage warming! Great features! Have a great week and thanks for hosting!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Always great feature inspiration and thanks each week for hosting...

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting each week!! I have noticed that quite a few are dropping their parties so I truly appreciate you continuing to host one!!

organicgardendreams said...

Dear Jann, thank you very much for featuring my "New Years" post! I feel very honored!
Also many thanks for hosting your weekly blog party. It is always fun to join in. This time my contribution is a post about my own garden (Organic Garden Dreams: Notes From the Garden, # 12) . Hope you like that one as well!
Warm regards,

Stacey said...

Hi Jann. Happy to be joining you for Share Your Cup. :)

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What lovely features, Jann, and I'm sighing over that red transferware! Thanks for hosting your party.
P. S. I wonder if Edwardian Farm is on NetFlix? I'll have to check!

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting, Jann! I will have to check on Edwardian Farm. We finally got NetFlix and I am having to catch up!

Sarah said...

Jann, I enjoyed the features. I need to see if I can find the Edwardian Farm show. It sounds like a good show. Thanks for hosting.

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Hi Jann, are you surviving this cold and snowy winter? I am so blessed to have a warm comfortable home. It's good to be back blogging. There's lots of great links. Thanks for hosting!
xx Jo

decorayadora said...

Hi Jann ,, gracias por este linky party ,, que tengas un Buen Día

Diana said...

Thanks for the sweet feature, Jann--made my day :)

My thrift store addiction said...

Hi Jann, thank you for the party!

Artsy VaVa said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your first project of the year! Thanks for hosting the party.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Love your Winter's Tea teapot! Very pretty patterna nd love the color red. Have a happy week!

Deanies Stash said...

Hi Jann, Hope 2017 is wonderful for you and your family. Thank you for the party!

xo Dianne

Daniela said...

Good Morning dear Mrs.Olson !
I heartily thank you for your so lovely posts, your wonderful shots and the last week features you share with us today !

So very grateful for hosting me today, besides, I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
may the remainder of your week be blessed with joy !

Xx Dany

Art and Sand said...

I can't believe I actually got a post written to link up.

Thanks for hosting.

Journa Ramirez said...

Thanks for the party! -Journa, visiting from the team at

Curtains in My Tree said...

Thanks Jann so much for featuring my newest red transferware creamer, I love these dishes
I think lots of us bloggers are always on the hunt for the red and white transferware.
I planned to hunt this weekend however winter ice storm moving in on us here in Missouri

Have great Day

Jeanie said...

It's lovely to be sharing again -- and so inspired! I see more than a few links I'll be visiting today!

Marie-Interior Frugalista said...

Good Morning Jann, thanks so much for the party and have a great weekend!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Good Morning Jann, thank you for Share Your Cup 231. Appreciated.

The Pink Rose Cottage said...

I'm new to your blog and love it! Thanks for letting me add "Share Your Cup." I'm really enjoying visiting all the participants.

Happy New Year,

Friday-Feature-Weekly-Linky-Party said...

This is the first time I have visited your blog and I am enjoying looking through your posts. I can see in your linkup some interesting blogs that I will be visiting, it is always fun to meet new bloggers.

Thank you for visiting to share your blog with the Oh My Heartsie GIrls WW this week and hope that you will visit often.

Have a lovely weekend! :)

Karen said...

Hi Jann,
Your red and white tea setting looks so pretty today. I am sorry that I haven't been joining your weekly party. My blogging days are few lately and I have been trying to visit Bernideen. Sometimes life gets in the way of being on the computer. Have a Wonderful New Year Dear Jann! Blessings, Karen

Vagabonde said...

I read your Holuska recipe and it sounds delicious. Years ago I remember my first-husband’s mother, who was from Eastern Europe, made what she called “Haluska” it was pretty close to your recipe. She would make it either with cabbage or cottage cheese. I found a recipe online that sounds like hers, here it is: She was a great cook.

Mindi@MyLove2Create said...

Hi Jann, thanks for always being so awesome! I hope you are enjoying your week, congrats on finishing your first project of the year! :)

A Labour of Life said...

Thank you so much for the feature and the link up, love seeing what everyone is doing

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Barnevelder said...

Peanut butter Oreo truffles are a decadent twist on the world’s staple cakes. These bite-sized delights combine the rich flavors of classic Oreo cookies and creamy peanut butter, creating an irresistible treat that's perfect for any occasion like a world’s staple cakes.
