Share Your Cup #262

Hello and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).
The party where you share what makes you happy.
I hope that you are having a wonderful week!  I am preparing for my upcoming surgery on Friday.  Trying to stay busy and not think about it an awful lot.
I am putting my trust in the Lord!
I would love to say thanks for  the sweetest comments that many of you left on my The Boobless Boob post.  Your thoughts and prayers have buoyed me up.  I CAN do this!!
I am not going to dwell on my cancer here on this blog, but if you want to follow me on my journey I have created a new fb page.
In September our craft group is going to make a Halloween wreath.  I shared the fun trinkets I have found so far in

Now for the features from SYC #261:
Each week I see some posts that I would like to feature, but am not seeing a link back to the party.  :(
Heidi from My Sweet Cottage shared her new series Second Tuesday Art Walk.  I adore her new found vintage children's
shoe forms!

Abby from  Abby's Way shared her cozy and welcoming summer dining room.
Janet from  Rosemary and Thyme shared a Relaxing Sunday
 by the River.
Mille Fiorti Favoriti shared the beautiful John Denver Sanctuary in Aspen, CO.
Thanks for sharing and please grab my button if you were featured.

 Now let's party!
1.  I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
2.  Link up a particular post and not your entire blog. Please limit your links to no more than three.
3.  Please have a back link to this post.  That way others will know where the party is.
  Only those with a back link will be featured.
 4.  Please find time to visit at least two other participants.
It's a great way to find new friends!

After you link up, please come back and leave a comment.  They help to fill my cup! 


Pam Richardson said...

Jann, you are in my thoughts and prayers for Friday and everyday! Blessings, and I love your positive attitude. I am following your journey on FB

lynn cockrell said...

Jann, I've been out of the loop for the past year and am so sorry to hear of your health problems. You will be in my prayers as you go through these trying times. I will follow your journey on FB too. No matter how long I've been away it's always such a treat dropping by your blog, especially for Share Your Cup Tuesday.Thanks for hosting!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Thanks for the party Jann. You're in my prayers.

The French Hutch said...

Thoughts and prayers. Blessings and sending hugs. I will be following your journey........

Regina said...

I will be praying for you. I don't have Facebook so I can't follow you. I will have to watch for updates here. Maybe you could do CaringBridge?

Louca por porcelana said...

Thanks for hosting.God bless you.Hugs,Maristella.


Praying for you and will also with my prayer group next Wednesday.
Thank you for another fun party dear friend.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for the party!!

Gentle Joy said...

Thank you for hosting the party... I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

Heidi said...

Jann, thanks for the feature, I am honored! I am going to follow your new FB page.

Mindi@MyLove2Create said...

Thanks for the party Jann!

Unknown said...

You inspire me my friend! What fun you and your craft group friends must have together. Jealous! Thank you for the link party.

Jocelyne said...

Thank you for hosting this party! I love your positive attitude and I, too, am praying for you. I will be following your new FB page

Snap said...

Wishing you well, Jann and following you on your new FB page. Will be thinking about you!

Artsy VaVa said...

I'll be keeping you in my prayers Jann!

Vintage Paint and more... said...

Jann, my prayers and thoughts are with you tomorrow and the following days to come. Thank you so much for hosting.

Marie-Interior Frugalista said...

Will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow and wishing you well during your recovery, Jann. Sending hugs from Canada!

Donna Reidland said...

I'm praying for you this morning ... for God's peace through the whole process, for Him to guide the surgeon's hands, and for a speedy recovery.

Abby said...

Try stay strong and positive, <3
Thank you for featuring my dining room! I'm honoured!

Row. said...

Sending prayers and Positive thoughts your way. you have the right attitude!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Praying for you and all those who are involved Jann. Hugs and Love. Joy

mjmaterazo said...

jann~ i can't wait to see your halloween wreath. i love all your trinkets. thanks for hosting another great party! xo- maryjo

Rita C at Panoply said...

Of course I am following your FB page now, Jann, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
What a great feature of the John Denver Sanctuary in Aspen - thank your for spotlighting that! It was a gorgeous post.
Thank you, too, for hosting us, Jann.

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

HappyK said...

Like those shoe forms!!!
Many prayers being said for you!!

Anonymous said...

Prayers and positive thoughts.

Sue said...

Enjoyed my visit, sending loving thoughts and prayers for your surgery!

Unknown said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.


csuhpat1 said...

Prayers and positive going out to you.

Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
