The "Bees Knees". . .

Hi my friends,
have you ever wondered just what in the heck the saying,
 "the bees knees" really means?
I know I have.  So I did what all inquiring minds do. . .
I googled it.  :)


Excellent - the highest quality'
Well, isn't that just the 'bees knees'?  hee-hee,
couldn't wait to use it!
You all know how much I love finding vintage items at thrift shops.  But, did you know that it doesn't necessarily have to be vintage to be 'the bees knees'?
Just look at this sweet little mug I found last week.  Isn't it just bee-utiful?  Yup, the bees knees!

Last year I was elated when I spied this beehive cloche at a thrift shop in Provo.  I knew exactly what it was.  It came with a cake stand and was sold at Desert Book for some pretty big bucks.  No stand, but that was okay with me.  I had one that was just a shade darker, but I knew it would work.
Look what I found at the same time as the mug.
The brown one, complete with the stand and in it's original box! A $20 score!  Wait for it, wait for it, the 'bees knees'!
As I looked around as to what I wanted to display inside it, this sweet sunflower pincushion made by my sis caught my eye.

The chocolate brown center was perfect for this cake stand.  Yup, the 'bees knees'!

Notice how much bigger this stand is than my yellow one.  It is one big baby!

These fun Debbie Mumm glasses are another thrift find that isn't old.  Still, the bees knees!
By now, my home is usually all decked out patriotic.  With the upcoming wedding I haven't taken the time to pull it out. 
I am still enjoying my bee theme.
This thrift find honey pot was missing it's top, but for 50 cents I couldn't pass it up.

Along with these sweet little dipping bowls. I even brought home a single shaker.  It's a beehive, how could I not?

These S&P shakers were a vacation find.  Not a thrift shop, but reasonable at a consignment store.

I won this little b&w cubby at bunco last month.  Perfect for my table décor.  One might say, it's the 'bees knees'!

My friend, Connie just made the apron.  See the cute buzzing bees?

Well one thing is for sure.  You may forget this post, but you surely aren't going to forget the saying, the 'bees knees' anytime soon!  lol!
and in case you're wondering,
There's no profound reason to relate bees and knees other than the jaunty-sounding rhyme. In the 1920s it was fashionable to use nonsense terms to denote excellence - 'the snake's hips', 'the kipper's knickers', 'the cat's pyjamas/whiskers', 'the monkey's eyebrows' and so on. Of these, the bee's knees and the cat's whiskers are the only ones to have stood the test of time.


Debbie said...

Enjoyed the post, and especially seeing your collection of 'bee's knees' specialties. I could go crazy in that area, but don't want to start another collection. I never even run into sweet finds like yours. People in the Midwest where I live must hang onto their 'bee' schtuff. Have a good week!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a fun post. I love all the bee things and yes they are the bee's knees! Cute!

HappyK said...

I've heard the saying before. : ) Cute and fun post!!

20 North Ora said...

So many cute bee items. Love this post.



I love bee treasures and you have some sweet ones!

Sarah said...

You have this bee loving girl buzzing with joy for you and these sweet finds. Each one, the bee's knees!

Connie said...

Very fun post! You have so many lovely bee theme goodies, but I know as a thrifter myself, it took a lot of time and a keen eye to find them. The hunt is half the fun :) No, I won't forget . . . and may I say this post was the "Bee's Knees" :)
Keep Smiling.
Connie :)

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Love all your bees!

vivian said...

cute post! makes me wonder where I put my little needle felted bees that I made... I havent seen them in a while and hadnt even thought of them til now! hmmm....
have a great day

Art and Sand said...

Such a cute post - absolutely the Bee's Knees.

Kimberly said...

What a bee-utiful post! So much cuteness! That cloche is amazing. Thanks for sharing and for the lesson!

cloches and lavender said...

Hi Jann, this is just too pretty. Those mugs are pretty, pretty. Don't get me started on the bee cloche, I'm swooning.

Been MIA for a long time but I'm back!


AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

What a cute post! I love all your bee items and they make such a cute centerpiece for your table. I learned something new today about that funny saying!

Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Jann,
Bees Knees is a good title for your cute post. Love all your sweet bee decor. Super cute.
Happy New Week.

lynn cockrell said...

I love this post! Yellow is probably my favorite color, Jann. I think all of your finds are just the cutest. You know, the bees knees(lol)! The black and white accents are perfect with all the yellow! I have missed all my blogging friends this past week. We were at Walt Disney World with the family. It was an exhausting and wonderful week!

Cherie said...

What a lovely post. I particularly love those mugs and can just see them in my kitchen brightening the worktop

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I loved seeing all your cute bee themed finds, Jann, and learning the origin of the saying "the bees knees"!

Patti said...

Adorable! As usual, you have created fabulous displays. I do like the bee theme a lot, too. My family's preschool is called Busy Bee! So, lots of bee lovin' around here!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Absolutely adorable!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I am having major issues with my blog Debbie-Dabble so I am now posting over on my Chrsitmas blog until I could resolve whatever is going on over on my regular blog...

Creations By Cindy said...

Jann, I love all of your bees! So adorable. A friend of mine was doing her grandgirl's birthday party with bees and she said she had the hardest time finding things and what she found was so pricey. Looks like you hit some good deals though. Enjoyed this fun post. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

All your things are just bee-utiful, Jann! You sure find some great items while thrifting. I'm impressed!

Winnie said...

This is one of your cutest posts Jann!!
These are all so beautiful :)
I especially like the little mug and the shaker

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

wow. they're all adorable. i'm so jealous of your luck (or is it skill) at finding such incredible finds!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Oh my this post was just darling! My name means Bee in Hebrew and I do love to photograph them and I embroidered some pillows with bees a few years ago but what an amazing collection here. Loved it :)

Sylvia said...

Jann, I love your bees knees post. Yellow is one of my favorite colors so the cloche and yellow stand was a favorite. The mugs on the tree are really nice. Thanks for sharing.

cynthia lee designs said...

Loved this blog post...all your bee things are so sweet and is the bees knees!!

Pat said...

Love, LOVE, L O V E . . .
all the "bees knees" accessories on your post, dear friend!
I'm awaiting until after the Fourth of July to bring out my "edited" collection of bee decor! Yours is truly, inspiring!

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