Early Spring Garden. . .2017

Hello my friends,
I am always elated when I see spring flowers popping up in my garden.
Once that warm weather arrives the garden comes alive and I love how it continually changes each month!
The ground covers along the rock wall always put on a delightful show in early spring.

Creeping Phlox and Candy Tuft
Basket of Gold


The last couple of years Violets have been popping up in my garden.  I had lots of them at my previous home, but did not bring any starts here to this home.  They must have been dormant in the soil of some of the other starts that I brought and just now started showing up.  Crazy funny!

I must admit that they are ever so sweet!

Little Grape Hyacinths peeking out from an iron fence.
My Hellebores, (Lenton Rose) are one of the first things to bloom in the spring.  They are one of my favorite shade plants, and they bloom for a long time.

Pasque flower is another one that blooms as soon as the snow melts.

I love this pretty pink ground cover.  I've gone blank on the
 name. . .it happens!  :)

 My Japanese Quince is small and just starting to bloom.

The drifting color continues on the small rock area in the front yard.  It makes me smile every time I pull into our cul-de-sac!

I hope you enjoyed my early spring garden!


Louca por porcelana said...

WOW ! Fabulous!Very Beautiful !

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Pretty! The violets are so sweet.

NanaDiana said...

Everything looks just beautiful, Jann. I really love Spring flowers and little Sweet Violets are my favorite small spring flower. I hope you have a great week- xo Diana

Susie said...

Jann, That is a beautiful flower bed. Love the colors. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Stacey said...

Oh so beautiful!

Creations By Cindy said...

Jann, Your garden is beautiful! So vibrant in color and made me smile today! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cynthia said...

Oh, how pretty all the flowers are! I DO love all of them.

Connie said...

I love flowering ground cover and your garden looks heavenly. I had Candy Tuft at our old home . . . I need to add some here, there is just so much to do . . . sometimes I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off. Have you ever felt that way?
Enjoy your beautiful spring garden & thanks for sharing it with us.
Connie :)

Kim said...

That ground cover over the rocks is stunning, Jann. I would love to add some around our pond. Gotta get working on that. Spring weather hasn't hit us yet, so I may still have time to squeeze a few flowers out of something this season!

HappyK said...

All the flowers are just lovely.

Vickie @ Ranger 911 said...

Your gardens already look amazing, Jann! I need to plant some violets- I love the color! Is the ground cover Dead Nettle?

Thanks for sharing!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I admire you for your green thumb! And your pictures are beautiful!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh Jann, your Spring garden is beautiful. Love all the pretty flowers. Spring is always so beautiful after winter.

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful garden.


Carol said...

Very pretty! I was surprised that some of the flowers I planted in my wagon wheel flower beds last year were blooming again this year. I had beautiful tulips and some other kind, but not sure what. Amazingly, I also have some of the basket of gold growing around the yard as well. I love them!

Thelma said...

Lots of beautiful colours and varieties in your Spring garden Jann. So beautiful.
We are later in this region. We still have traces of snow. Have a good week.

Linda W. said...

Your garden is beautiful. So full of color!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Beautiful garden! I'm pining for my Nova Scotia crocus, tulips and daffs; they're all up in my garden there. But I'm here in Newfoundland with nary a flower to pop its head up yet.

Jeanie said...

Oh Jann, it looks spectacular. It also reminded me I want some hellebores! Very pretty -- loads of color and lots of fun!

handmade by amalia said...

You must spend every available moment in the garden.

Rose L said...

It looks so colorful and lovely! I just love when color bursts forth!!

sandi s said...

It's all so pretty! Hugs,

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Gorgeous, Jann!! I have many of those plants, but they are not in bloom yet. We have the first daffodils getting ready to open, and the forsythia bloomed this weekend - yay!! I think the plant you couldn't remember is Lamium, also known as Dead Nettle. Funny, I've been drawing a blank this week on Creeping Phlox....I have tons of it and couldn't remember the name for the life of me!! :)

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

So pretty! It makes me want to re-landscape my yard so I have room for the early spring plants. I do have my HUGE Forsythia that you can see from Main St, a block away!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

my gosh but that is so pretty in the last picture! really lovely and informative post.

Pat @ bringingfrenchcountryhome said...

My dear Mrs. Olson, Such a beautiful garden you have! I have a lot of the same plants and they are exploding in the garden. So enjoyed seeing your spring garden. Hugs, Pat

Debby Goes Shabby said...


Wow! Those old favorites never let you down in Spring! Thrift and candy, love, absolutely beautiful and great pics! Is that crinoline for sale? I am battling poison ivy right now! Enjoy your Spring garden and bring some blooms in to enjoy. What do you think about those flat blooms! Thank you for your feature, love your party and enjoy always seeing your family!


Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow Jann- how exciting to see all of these plants to come life and bloom! I love them all! I think that pink flowering one you couldn't remember the name of is a type of Lamium. The front rock area is fantastic- don't you wish it would last all summer!! Have a wonderful rest of the week and upcoming weekend!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

So very beautiful!!!! Happy Spring!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Oh, my, those cushions of flowers on your rocks make such a statement!
