An Apple a Day Keeps the Dr. Away. . .

Hello my friends,
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away".
Well, if that's the case, I have not been eating nearly enough apples.  (wink)
Still, once fall rolls around I've got to have a bowl full in my house.

Nothing quite like biting into a crunchy, juicy apple!!

Thinking I should have oiled them for their photo shoot.  :)

I placed them in this sweet $4 Sunflower Pyrex bowl I picked up at a thrift shop a couple years ago.  Two small plates with sunflowers in the center was propped behind.  One of my scales helps to add some elevation to the vignette.  Notice the cute little sunflower S&P shakers?  I got them at an estate sale.  I thought they were so tiny and sweet!

The orange creamer was another thrift find.  I loved the diamond design.  Thinking I need to fill it with some acorns.

But you know the fun couldn't stop there. 
Did your mom ever tell you, "to stop playing with your food and just eat"?  I don't remember being told that, but not only do I play with my food, I play with my dishes as well.  lol!
I have such a sweet tooth and as soon as it feels a bit like fall I get craving Apple Crisp.  It's one of my favorite fall time desserts.
I have the complete set of four of these green Pyrex bowls called, Verde.  Another great thrift bargain.  My friends from one of the clubs that I am a member of gifted me with the darling dishtowel after my surgery.
Well, enough with playing, I'm going to eat that Apple Crisp!!
Here's the recipe just in case you get a hankerin for some too.
Apple Crisp
8-10 apples  (any variety.  I often mix, using what I have)
Top Crust:
1 c. brown sugar            1 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt                1/8 tsp. nutmeg
                       1/2 c. oats                1/2 cup margarine or butter 
Mix together till crumbly I use a pastry blender. 
 Place peeled, sliced apples in a buttered 9x13 pan. 
Top with crumb mixture and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Bake in preheated oven for 30 min. at 350 degrees.


Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

I love your pictures! That sunflower bowl is beautiful! I've not seen that pattern before. We went apple picking over the weekend and now I have a LOT of apples! They had four different varieties so some we will eat, some I will make freezer pie filling and some I'll bake with now and hopefully freeze some breads for later!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jann you have me craving some apple crisp now! I love your vignettes and playing with dishes is so much fun!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Visual treat Jann. Hugs and Love.

Susie said...

Oh yummy Jann. I love apple crisp too. What a sweet gift of that cute towel. Some people are so very talented. I like this apple vignette. Blessings to you and I am praying for you to be brand new soon. xoxo, Susie

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

The green Pyrex bowl is like one from a set that was given to me at a wedding shower in 1971. Funny thing is I still have it but no longer use it. Once I realized how collectible Pyrex had become I took the two pieces left from the set and put it up. I'm going to have to dig it out and use it for display. PS Mine is not in as good a shape as yours.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I LOVE apple crisp and anything apple really in Fall. I don't eat apple stuff any other time of just doesn't feel right. The pumpkin stuff starts in October! Perfect timing for the cute towel for your cute vignette.

Anonymous said...

That apple display is lovely. Apples are one of the many great things about Autumn.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely towel your friend gave you. It fits right in with all the Fall decor.

HappyK said...

Yummy, that apple crisp sure looks good.
My mom used to tell me that all the time.
Meals around my house when I was a kid were NOT happy times.

Louca por porcelana said...

Lovely photos.Love your dish towel and crocheted doilies.Hugs!Maristella.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

The towels is very pretty. I have so many pretty kitchen towels that I never use as they are just to nice LOL
The bowl of apples looks very good. I am ready to make Apple Butter as soon as they come down in price. But with these awful storms I am sure everything will be very pricey.
Hope your doing great and feeling good. Prayers every night for your speedy recovery.


Sarah said...

Apples are a staple in my diet. When I taught school, I usually had an apple for lunch because that was about all I had time for. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Jann, your crips looks delicious! YUM! Love the autumn colors of your bowls.

krishna said...

wow!! delicious !!

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Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I always love your vignettes, they are so fun! I love apple crisp, and I think your recipe resembles mine, yes, I think it is time for some apple crisp, I need to make some! You've inspired me :)

Praying for you, and hoping that you have recovered from the surgery. Hugs :)

Leslie said...

That sounds good Jan. I happen to have a bowl of apples waiting for me today.
Have a great day.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I love that you play with your dishes and accessories, Jann. Apple crisp is one of my favorite desserts, and I'm like you, and have such a sweet tooth. Thanks for the inspiration, sweet friend.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Funny how I always get hungry when I'm looking at what you're cooking. thanks for the recipe.

Sandi Magle said...

I love apples, and we have them around all year long. This post makes me want to grab an old fabric collage I have buried on the porch and put it center stage. Great ideas, back to naturals! Sandi

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I love apples too but I don't like the skin! I especially like them when used to bake with. I'll have to try your recipe. Apples are in right now here so there are plenty of fresh ones to choose from! That's a cute towel you used. I had some similar pyrex from the 70's but let them go. For sentimental reasons I wish I still had them!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Apples always add a bit of fall spirit in a decor... And now I thing I need some apple crips to keep the doctor away...
