It's No Picnic. . .

Lying in bed all day is no picnic. . .
of course, I just can't do it!!  :)  Luckily, the Dr's agree that getting up and moving is some of the best medicine.
Of course, finding a happy medium of not overdoing is always a challenge.  I listen to my body, and know when enough is enough!
I'm moving at a snail's pace, but am getting things done.
I have always loved picnic tins, and have collected a nice stack over the years.
I brought a few of them upstairs for my fall décor.
I placed a handmade crochet cloth on the middle of my table and scrunched it up.  I placed two of my picnic tins in the middle and filled the top one with a few maize colored plates.  I picked 8 of them up at a thrift shop last year.
While vacationing in CA in June I found the cute small thermos for $2 at a thrift store along the way.

This jar came from the estate I have been helping with.  I put it out for two sales and it didn't sale.  I loved it and decided that I was meant to buy it.  ;) I filled it with, not pretzels; but faux pumpkins.
I've kept my decorating pretty simple this year.  Remember, I don't want to overdo!  lol!

A couple of days later I ran across this little flash card of kids raking leaves and added it to one of my floral frogs.

Here's a couple of other picnic tins I've used.
This one is a reproduction that I bought while vacationing in New England fall of 2015.

I've used it in my family room mantle display.

This sweet pumpkin was made by a blog friend, Fran from

Some days I feel a bit like this mouse looks.  (wink)

But then I realize how blessed I am and just like this beauty, life begins to shine!

 Yup, some times life is no picnic, but we have to look for the silver lining!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Jann, just getting from one hour to the next is a celebration. Healing takes its slow time. Autumn decorations looking great, bet you were so happy to bring out your picnic baskets and fall treasures.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Love your plaid things! I'm on a search for plaid for the house, but so far not much luck. Take care of yourself.

Karie said...

Oh Jann, you amaze me. With all you are going through, you still are decorating. Bless you. I am glad you are well enough to do this. Than, you for continuing to create. You are a wonderful lady. God bless you. Hugs.

Connie said...

First I was going to tell you that I have that pretzel jar, too. I purchased it from my boss after we stopped carrying that brand at an IGA grocery store that I worked at when Steve and I married. That was in the mid 70's. Those jars sat on the counter with long cigar shaped pretzels and we told them individually. Something like 10 cents a piece. Then reading on down your post I saw that tin picnic basket with the basket weave painted on it. Talk about a memory flash back . . . my mother had that picnic basket. Many a weekend she would fill it with fried chicken and we would hop in the station wagon, a 1955 Chevy, and head to the lake.
Thanks for the memories.
I do hope that you are recovering, but be careful and take it easy.
You're in my prayers.
Connie :)

Debra@CommonGround said...

glad you're feeling up to some Fall decorating fun, Jann. LOVE the plaid tins and thermos. I think they must remind us of our younger days. I have a cute orange Thermos I need to locate and bring upstairs. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it! xo

The Victorian Girl said...

It's really important to your recovery that you do a little something each day to bring you joy and get back to feeling "normal" again. All through my recovery time for breast cancer, I just kept telling myself to KEEP GOING. And with the help of your family, friends, and faith you will get there.

Old Time Cindy said...

Decorating sure is great therapy and good for the soul. You are way ahead of me. I haven't even started. Good to hear you are up and about. Love your positive 'I can do this' attitude. Hugs!

Betty said...

Yes, please take it easy and listen to your Doctor. Sometimes we Women like to over do it. I adore that one on the mantle. My Mom had one almost like it when I was growing up and that pumpkin is soooo cute. Sending Hugs to you.

Susie said...

Jann, You have done well with your fall décor. Maybe you'll do a little each day. Just take care , so you heal fully. I love the old picnic totes. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
p.s. prayers for you to heal completely and get your strength back.

Lady of the Manor said...

I'm glad your up a bit. Slow and steady.... Love how you used these picnic baskets in your fall decor!

Snap said...

Well, now I'm sure you are well on your way to healing -- you are decorating! Ha! Love the plaid picnic baskets. Hang in there -- slow, steady and keep walking!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jann it is so good to see you decorating and bloging! We are on hurricane watch!

Linda W. said...

Glad to see you are not letting your illness stop you from doing what you love.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

You just can't keep a decorating girl down! Your vignettes are always very special!

Rose L said...

You always make it look so nice, like something out of a magazine!

Leslie said...

I love seeing you do what you love ~ everything is beautiful as usual.

Sarah said...

Jann, playing around with your treasures is probably the best medicine. Fun to see your fall touches. I'm crushing over the round picnic tin with the yellow/black plaid. ;-)
Keep up the positive forward movement. Thinking of you, dear friend.

Louca por porcelana said...

Yes Jann,you are right,if it is raining outside,our picnic must have been inside,in our soul,in our faith,with our family.Love all you post.God bless you all.Hugs.

HappyK said...

NICE collection of picnic tins.
Glad you are continuing to improve and you are taking things easy.

Bernideen said...

Yes Jan - a slow pace is a good idea. That is the norm for a lot of gals - just not you! God bless you as you heal and regain strength!

Kim said...

You are a treasure, lovely Jann. Even whilst healing you create such beauty. Sending you oodles of hugs!

camp and cottage living said...

Jan-Thinking of you! So glad to see your feeling up to doing what you love! Take it slow....

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Sending thoughts and prayers on a speedy recovery! ... Glad you can still have a great sense of your picnic tins and the beautiful way you display them!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Praying for you this morning. You're inspiring me to try to decorate a bit this fall. I shall have to see how my strength holds out and how much help I can get from my teens. ~smile~ After a summer of chemo, I feel the house needs a good cleaning, but that will have to be done in little spits and sputters.
Be blessed,
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

P.S. I featured this post this morning in my Happy Homemaker Monday Daybook.

Jeanie said...

It's at times like this when we tire our or when we don't have our usual energy that people like you (and me) who have a great stash of wonderful stuff don't have to worry. Just a few well chosen pieces together and it looks like you've been rocking the design books all day. These look great together!

Now, you take care!

Jacqueline said...

Haha! I have noticed on Instagram, that you haven't been staying down too much! Keep getting better.

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Dear Jann, I have been praying for you for several weeks now. I didn't know what for I just felt that it was something that you needed. Now I understand. I am so sorry about what you have had to go through and I know that this will certainly sound clique but when we go through struggles especially where we lose something the Lord replaces it with wonderful spiritual knowledge that can only be given to us when we are ready to receive it.. How great is that? I know what a tough way to get it but it really is a perk! lol Hang in there, being down is tough but your body will tell you when enough is enough.
Love you my dear! xoxo Jo

Jean | said...

Jann, you are even more amazing than I've always thought your were! How you are managing all this while recuperating from the "No Picnic" I'll never know! I have no words. And thank you for hosting.

Diana said...

Your fall decor is looking beautiful AS ALWAYS, Jann :) You are pretty amazing, keeping up with your blog and celebrating the seasons with lovely decorations. You are our hero. Thanks for letting us walk with you on this journey and giving us the opportunity to encourage you (when you're not encouraging us) and pray for you. God bless you!

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Your decor is absolutely lovely. I admire you for keeping such perfect vignettes while you're still recovering. Sending you hugs.
