Is There a Doctor in the House?

If so, I may need my head X-amined!

Take an X-ray please!

Me:  Dr., Dr., You’ve got to help me!

Dr.:  Jann, What seems to be the problem?

Me:  I keep seeing spots before my eyes!

Dr.:  Just now and then, or all the time?

Me:  It comes and goes, but when they come they’re everywhere!

Dr:  Is there something in your environment, you know, your surroundings that could be causing this?

Me:  Nothing that I can think of.











I hope I made you laugh, or at least smile a little.

Laughter does wonders for the soul.

I took these pics a while ago, but haven’t had a chance to blog about them yet.

I haven’t shared with Sue at Rednesday for quite some time.  Thought I would share my polka-dot addiction today.

The inspiration for this post came from the purchase of my new polka-dot pillow.  $12.99 at Target.  I had to sneak it onto my bed.  Hubby says 11 pillows is MORE than plenty. That’s how many I usually have.  Couldn’t help but buy it.   I LOVE polka-dots!


I will be linking my polka-dot addiction with:

Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for Rednesday


Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday

Faded Charm for White Wednesday

Cutie Pie Cottage for Dotty Hop Party

Jenny Matlock for Alpha Thursday and the Letter X

Letter X


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your beautiful bed with the quilt and all the pretty pillows! It looks perfect for sitting on to read! I love the way you wrote your post! I wish I had thought of that...I was taking pics this morning of all the things I just found 2 of! heehee! ♥

Kris said...

Tee-hee! LOVE your quilt on the bed!! I have made one that is similar!!!
And I loved your previous post. I would have bought the wheat dishes too!!!!!!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Wow - I'm seeing spots, too, but I like them. Pretty and cheerful! Your quilt is gorgeous. Oh, I have 6 grandies, too (a set of twins thrown in). Aren't they fun! Linda

Unknown said...

Love your dots. The quilt is lovely!

Have a great week!


Ann said...

Thats a lot of polka-dots--very pretty selection. You know polka-dots are HUGH his fashion season--you can now buy some new polks dot clothes too.!!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

OH I LOVE RED and I LOVE polka dots! That room is just adorable! Love those dotty candles too!

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

Kelley Highway

Love these!

Anonymous said...

Kelley Highway

Love these!

bj said...

LOL...I don't know ANYONE that does red and white polka dots as well as you, my sister friend.
OOO, have a fabulous collection. I will never see a red and white polka dot ANYthing without thinking of you....:))
xoxo bj

bj said...

Am I a follower?...if not, I will be in about 2 seconds..:))

LV said...

Your polka dots are nice, but I favor your quilt on the bed.

bj said...

Yep...I was already following. :)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

You did make me laugh!! 11 pillows...just a minute....hmmmm, only 10....but don't worry...I am going shopping Friday!! said...

I love your polka ot dishes and the candles are just too cute!Hey and what is one more pillow?

Northwest Texas said...

Your post put me in a good mood. Red and white is so upbeat. Love it all :)


Peg said...

Hey my little polka-dot friend, you made me laugh when I saw this post. For a minute I thought you had lost it and you were starting to decorate for Valentines. You are just too cute for your breeches.

Kris said...

Hi Jann! I too feel that we have much in common! It is so nice to find other like minded people via blogging! I get so much inspiration from all of you!!!

Christine @ Stonehouse Living said...

Hi Jann,

Love the polka-dots, they just make me smile when I see them! The quilt on the bed is just gorgeous, love all the red accents. That pom-pom throw is just a perfect red too!

All the Best,

Anonymous said...

Love it! I so want some dotty dishes! I'm starting up a weekly polka dot party on Tuesdays! Come check it out!

Jenny @ Simcoe Street said...

Cute dishes!!!

Mecky said...

I love the polk-a-dots.

Christina'Marie said...

Wanted to let you know about the giveaway I am doing. Hope you stop by and enter!
<3 Christina'Marie

ps: love all the polka dots! :)

H said...

Spot the dots! They are certainly bright and cheerful :)

jfb57 said...

Clever link to 'X'!

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Jann,

Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my blog and signing up. I guess you were are crazy about dots! I love em, too, and will be trying to figure out how to incorporate them into my blog without having them take over. I really like your bedroom and I just have to tell you that I'll be attempting to redecorate my bedroom to brighten it up. I'll be using primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow).

Have a great weekend,

Cathy Kennedy said...

Humor doath the soul well. I loved your x-post! It could be considered x-rated since you mentioned ehem...your bedroom! =D

Today’s post…
X is for

Have a good Thursday!
Cathy Kennedy,
Children's Author, “The Tale of Ole Green Eyes”

lissa said...

thanks for the smile! have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

I love all the red. What wonderful red things you have in your home!

Anonymous said...

oh! Thanks for linking up! ♥

Susan Anderson said...

Really fun X post!

Spot on, I guess you could say...


Anonymous said... made me laugh big time. I thought maybe you had "floaters" like I do. Drives me nuts! Adorable post! Jann, the white marigold seeds are dried and ready to be shipped. If you could email your mailing address I will get them out to you asap. My email is on the sidebar of my blog. xoxo Lynn

Lynn said...

I love your bedroom decor!! I am crazy about quilts and I love the colors of your quilt. My home is decorated with Americana decor and I just love the red, white, and blue with all of those beautiful pillows on your bed!! Thanks for sharing!!

Judie said...

Hahaha! Very clever "X" post! All those beautiful polkadots! We love Target!!

Sandy said...

Hi Jann... was sweet of you to stop by my blog today and you spoke of your Mom saying "Patience is a virtue"... well, my Mom used to say "Patience is a Virgin"......
Thanks for the visit... oh, I love the red and white polka dots on the dishes!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Polka dots are happy! I may need to think about adding some to my home.

Visits With Mary said...

Those sure are pretty spots before your eyes!!

Kaye Swain said...

Oh how cute! Delightful for Rednesday and so fun for my grandchildren who also love polka dots ;)

Pondside said...

I quite understand a polka-dot addiction - any fabric-related addiction, actually.

Anonymous said...

"What an Xcellent X post," said one polka-dot afficiando to another!

Love your stuff. It all made me smile! I may have to go to Target today now!

i suspect my husband won't be sending you a thank you card for that, though!

Thanks for the smile.


Jenny Matlock
