Treasures and Trinkets Tuesday

Hello my friends,
today I am starting a new series.
around 7 months ago I began co-hosting a hashtag party on Instagram with a sweet gal named, Caity.
I had shared a post with her #treasuresandtrinketstuesday.
The next week she featured me and asked if I would like to co-host with her.  It has been a lot of fun, but I am taking a break from hosting for a while.  I've just had a lot on my plate and felt I wasn't doing my share of the work.
So I decided that I would make it a regular series here on my blog.
I'll be sharing my newest finds, and now and then even an old treasure that I love.
One of the best things I loved about that hastag was the stories that the people shared about their treasures and trinkets.
To start off I'm sharing a few of the treasures I bought while vacationing in Napa, and Carmel, CA in June.
At a fun shop in Napa I spied this chippy laundry basket.  It was love at first sight.  I talked myself out of it because I had just bought an old collapsible one from the estate that I have been helping with.
This photo is one that I shared on Instagram.  Notice the floral frog with the white base?  It's a little trinket that I picked up in a quaint town called Calistoga.

We left the store and actually walked about 5 blocks when I stopped and told hubby that I just loved it and knew that I would regret not buying it.  Being the sweet man that he is he told me to go back and get it and he'd go get the car and pick me up out in front of the shop.  You know this baby will never be used just for laundry!  :)
Two more treasures I picked up on this CA road trip are the red and blue thermos and the rustic finial.  There were quite a few of them for $10 ea. or the entire box full for $70.  Still kicking myself that I didn't buy the entire box.  My friends would have loved one.  Plus, it was a lot better deal!  The b&w beach scene postcard was scored on a gal pal trip to St. George, UT for $1.


A funny story that I have to share about the finials.  When I found them and was going through the box hubby started helping me.  He was looking for one that wasn't so beat up.  I laughed and told him that's what I loved about it!
This next treasure is something I have wanted for some time, wool carders.  I got them free from Aunt Bunnies estate.  (the one I'm helping with)  My friend Dolly found them and saw the fibers and thought they were human hair.  She was grossed out and was going to toss them.  Not before I nabbed them up.  I offered to pay, but she said, "No, I would have just thrown them away".

This sweet gal that I call my 'Lavender Lady' did not sale at the estate sale.  I even put her out two times.  I guess she knew she belonged in my garden.  I had priced her at $5.  Left over, so I got her for half price.

Another left over did not sell item was these rag balls.  Priced at $1 each, so yup I got them for $.50 cents.  The crazy quilt I bought off of Instagram for $40.  I've always wanted one.  It's not in the best of shape, but I love it folded up!

You know my love for red and white, and polka dots.  Both of these bowls are Fire King.  I bought them off of Vintage Yard Sale Utah fb page. The one with the lid was $15. I had to pay up for the polka dot.  I think it was $30.  Love, love them both!!

Last of all I am sharing my collection of ice cream scoops.  Kitchen trinkets just make me ever so happy!  The red handled spoon shaped one is my latest.  I scored it for $1.  At our last estate sale we found one with a light blue handle.  I swapped it with one of my green ones.  I didn't realize that I had two of them until I put them out for display!  I've had the blue ice cream bucket for over a year.  I paid $10 for it at a thrift shop.  Plus, it had two old feedsacks tucked down inside.  An added bonus.  The small one I got from my older sis.  A couple of weeks ago it was National Ice Cream day.  What fond childhood memories these old makers bring to me.  Growing up we made homemade ice cream often in the summer.

And I can't end without saying, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"  Hope you enjoyed some of my treasures and trinkets!
Happy summer,

I will be sharing with these lovely parties:
Vintage Charm


Art and Sand said...

You found so many fun things!

Old Time Cindy said...

Well, I'm glad to see you start this new series of yours. You know me. As a picker, I always enjoy seeing others' found treasures. Makes life fun and interesting, doesn't it? Not to even mention the stories of the finds. You did good!

Kim said...

So many wonderful treasures and trinkets. Love that scrappy crazy quilt and those rag balls are neat. Gorgeous red polka dot bowl. I don't think I have ever seen one quite like that. I look forward to the next Tuesday instalment of your pretties.

Melissa said...

So many fun finds! I DEFINITELY would've bought the whole box of finials!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love your new series. Would you consider a linky party? I think that would be fun. I was just thinking this week that I needed a fun party to join to get me blogging every week. The ice cream scoops are great, my Mom has one I love! Hugs!

Jeannie said...

I like your new series. It is always good when something old finds a new home where it is appreciated. You did good!

Jeannie @

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Hi Jann, your home and yard are always so darling and uniquely yours. Summer is going by to quickly. I'm starting to think about Fall decor! lol Have a wonderful day!
xoxo Jo

Rose L said...

I am surprised that I have not gone to a single auction or garage/yard/estate sale so far this year! Love the lavender lady for the yard!

Connie said...

Great find! I can see a future post coming up . . . building new cupboards to store all your stuff, LOL. We were blessed with a very nice sized well-house on this property, that is where I store all my stuff that I like taking out and displaying at different times of the year :) I think my favorite thing is your polka dot bowl and the hand beaters . . . so pretty.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Love, love, love all of your treasures and trinkets! I keep forgetting to link up with that party on Instagram! This is a great idea to do as a new feature. Whenever I post my thrift finds, they seem to be my post popular posts. Lately, I would be posting everyday! I will just enjoy yours for now...

Junkchiccottage said...

So many great finds Jann. Love that laundry cart basket too. I could not have left that in the shop either.
Happy Summer Day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all the great finds. Looking through vintage items can be so much fun. Thanks fro sharing your finds.
Marion and Marilyn

HappyK said...

You certainly found a lot of goodies!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Loved seeing your vintage finds Jann and looking forward to the next Treasures and Trinkets Tuesday. Visual treat.

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

THanks Jann! so looking forward to this......may get me back on my blog.

My thrift store addiction said...

Love your ice cream collection! Thanks for sharing @ Vintage Charm--pinned!
