Memory Dinner

Hello my friends,
August 8th would have been my husband's mothers 93rd birthday.
I decided to have a memory dinner in her honor.

Our youngest daughter is living with my husbands 92 year old father for a while and helping him out.
This is Kylee, her boyfriend, Forest, and Elwyn.
Kylee texted me the first of the week reminding me that the 8th would have been Grandma Olson's birthday and could her and grandpa come to dinner.
Well, of course I always love having company. 
So I decided to make it a special occasion.
Bonnies favorite flower was the rose.  I didn't have a lot of them blooming right now, but enough to make a simple bouquet for the table.  I added some pink Anemones for height.
This book is so special!  My sister in law, Laurie put it together for the family.  I love that she included some of her favorite recipes and memories of grandma from the grandkids.  It's full of history and fun events and quotes from her life.  One of my favorites is when she told the bus driver, "there is Elwyn Olson, the man I am going to marry, even though he doesn't know I exist".  :)
I love the pretty two tone color of these roses!

Did you notice my cute plates in the first photo?  I bought 12 of them at a yard sale in Oregon last week.  I needed them like I needed a hole in the head, but I couldn't resist.  (wink)
I just love the colors, the roses, the polka dots, and checks.

Our dinner was absolutely delicious, if I do say so myself.  

Hubby smoked and cooked the ribs in his Traeger for 6 hours.  He did what they call the 3, 2, 1 method.
The recipe can be found on the Traeger web site if you're interested.
Oh my, they were fall off the bone delicious!!

This cucumber salad is one of my favorite summer recipes!  I served it in my aqua butterpint Pyrex.
Let me know if you are interested in me sharing the recipe.

I made a simple fruit salad of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and bananas in whipping cream.

And no summer time meal would be complete without
 corn on the cob.
It was such a fun and relaxing evening.  It had been a hot day, but there was a slight breeze blowing.  It made it comfortable for dining outdoors.  None of us dressed up, just came as we were.  We sat outside for some time and read from the book.  Such fond memories!
So happy that Bonnie was a part of our lives!
I will be sharing with these fun parties:


Susie said...

Jann, I loved this. Having a memory dinner. I bet your father in law was so happy. Good of your daughter to help him in his time of need too. She's a cutie pie , with a sweet heart.. Every thing you fixed looks very good. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Connie said...

Jann, this sounded like the perfect evening and I'm sure that your father-in-law appreciated every minute of it. I would love for you to share your recipe. Simple chunky vegetable salads are favorites around here. I do have to say that I was disappointed in hearing about your great yard sale find with those gorgeous dishes. I have only purchased a couple of the Pioneer woman items, but when I saw your dishes I thought they were a new pattern from her and was ready to drive to town. I love those and would not have hesitated in bringing them home. You can never have too many dishes, can you?
Have a wonderful weekend.
Connie :)

The Victorian Girl said...

What a lovely time for your family! And I love the plates! Yes, I would like to have the cucumber salad recipe. Thanks!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

The memory dinner is such a great idea! A wonderful way to honor someone who has passed on but is still so much a part of us! Love the plates!!

HappyK said...

What a thoughtful loving thing to do. I'm sure your father-in-law was thankful for thinking of her and him.
The 8th was a year ago that my mom went to her new home in Heaven.

cloches and lavender said...

Such a beautiful tribute and your father-in-law looked happy. Such a wonderful book to have filled with memories.

Lovely roses and such a pretty color

Have a super weekend


AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

What a wonderful idea to have a memory dinner. LOVE your new plates! We are still trying to perfect those ribs with the meat falling off the bone!

Debby in KS said...

What a special dinner. I might do the same for my mom, who died 5 years ago next month. Serve her favorites, including green chile quiche and Yoo Hoos to drink! Thanks for the idea. Love the plates and would like to see the recipe, please.

Sweet Tea N ' Salty Air said...

What a nice way to celebrate the life of someone that has passed, Very nice!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Gosh, Jann, I so love what you did! No doubt Elwyn Olson loved the occasion and the memory of his wife, and how thoughtful for your daughter to suggest it. The dinner looked absolutely perfect for asummer family get together. All those little details - the flowers, the book, the DISHED! See, it was serendipity that you found those at the sale last week!

Rose L said...

the dishes are lovely! I think you should like you are enjoying the year so far. Did you enjoy the trip to my lovely Oregon?

Kim said...

How lovely that your daughter cares for her grandfather and helps him out. 'Tis wonderful you celebrated 'his' Bonnie's birthday and reminisced happy and beautiful memories. How special that there is a book about her life and recipes etc. Your dinner looked delicious and as for those plates, what can I say except you do happen upon the most incredible them!

Sandi Magle said...

How lovely----and you all look great. Nothing is better than family, we have our grown children at least one of them each weekend. Or, we meet for breakfast somewhere if everyone is busy. Enjoyed this post!

Kim said...

What a lovely way to celebrate a loved one, Jann. My sister's and I went out to lunch on my mom's birthday this year, the first after her passing. I think we are going to keep it up...maybe use your dinner for inspiration. xo

Jeanie said...

One of the loveliest ideas I've ever heard. It had to mean a great deal. And by the way, what a wonderful daughter you have!

Katie Mansfield said...

How sweet. Bonnie would be happy to see this. Blessings to you. Cute table and the food looks delicious. I love cucumber salad. Thanks for linking to Keep in Touch.
