Darling Dishes

Hello my friends,
I want to share my love (addiction) for darling dishes.

But first, I have a confession to make. . .I was not always a dish lover.  As a young girl I was very active and didn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen.  It seems a bit weird to me, but I don't even remember what the dishes were that we ate our daily meals on.  I don't remember growing up with Pyrex or any particular brand of dishes.  All of my grandparents had passed by the time I was old enough to remember them, so I have no memories of 'grandmas house'.  I did have sweet Aunts.  I remember my Aunt Violas yummy custard, but not the dishes it was served in.

(source unknown)

Some of my first fall in love with dishes moments happened through blogging.

I remember the first time I say Lu-Ray on Jillian's blog.

I was smitten!

I didn't start searching for it, but when I ran across my first teacup and saucer at a thrift store I knew just exactly what it was.

After that I found a couple of small platters.
While vacationing in Oregon a few years ago I spied the teacups and saucers for only $5 each so I bought the other colors to complete the set of 4.

I do have the darker blue Lu-Ray teacup and saucer, but I think it's put away in a box somewhere.  The other cups next to it were gifted to me by a friend.  They are not Lu-ray, but I thought it was interesting how close in color they were.

Very similar, but the other ones have ridges.  She was missing the yellow saucer.

This last June we had a lot of Lu-Ray plates and saucers at the estate sale I was helping to host.  I was so tempted to buy them, but finally talked myself out of it because I have so many dishes!

I adore transferware!  Mostly red, but I have a bit of green and brown that I use in the fall.

I had not heard of transferware and first discovered it on a few blogs.  Carolyn at Aiken House & Gardens Sandi at

Every time I visit a thrift store I head straight to the dish isle.  All the while hoping I don't find anything.  lol!  However, yesterday I missed out on a blue transferware teapot by seconds.  I rounded the aisle just as a lady snatched it up.  Happy for her, but would have loved to have had it!

Another new found love is Jadite.  I have compiled a nice collection of it.  I'm not sure when I first became familiar with it, but I love the soft green color!

This is not my collection.  Mines not nearly this large.

(source unknown)

You know my love for red and white.  I can never pass up a red and white dish.  Especially if it is striped, checkered, or dotty!  (wink)

Cherry dishes. . .another thing I have a hard time passing up!  However, I found one last week and gave them to a friend because I really didn't need them.

My most recent addiction has been that of Pioneer Woman.  I am trying to not buy any more.  Last week I walked by it in Walmart and could not resist this teapot!  So much for will power!

If you want to see more Darling Dishes visit my Pinterest board.

Where did you get your love for dishes from?

I'll be sharing with these fun parties:


Gina said...

I completely understand your dish obsession as I share it as well! Your red & white dish collection always makes me swoon!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

ou know I LOVE all of you dishes but I am totally in LOVE with the red ones!! And that red and white Kitchen!!!! Fantastic!

Connie said...

Me too, sister! I love pretty dishes and I love mixing bowls, too. I would love to have a collection of Jadite just because they bring back childhood memories of Momma'S table. That and I love that shade of green. I've been thinking about painting my lower cabinets in the kitchen that color:)
Please come on over and help me celebrate my 6th year Blogging Anniversary and get your name in the hat for my GIVE-A-WAY.
Happy Blogging.
Connie :)

Jeanie said...

I adore your dish collection, Jann, and I'm quite sure you haven't even scratched the surface of what is in your dish stash! I'm all for it (I have more than a few myself!). I especially love the red and white and transferware!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jann wow love this post and boy i can see why you bought the tea pot its stunning love it xx

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Jann, I also understand your dish obsession as I too head straight for the dish aisle in a thrift store or any store that sells kitchen wares. I love the red and white transferware and I am smitten with the green too but I don't have much of that. My earliest obsession was with my Auntie P's Rose Chintz and now I am the proud owner of all of hers. Ah, such lovely memories of when I was a little girl visiting her when she always set her table with those charming dishes. Thank you for the mention! I could talk about dishes all day! :-) Hugs...Sandi

Louca por porcelana said...

Oh my!What a wonderful post,just breathtaking!You did a good question but I am thinking about and I have no answer...I began my dishes collection at about twenty three years ago when I got married.Now,many of my dishes are my paintings and I feel happy for this!Hugs!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

I'm crazy over your collections! I don't have the space to collect much but my everyday dishes are Taylor Smith Taylor Boutoniere. I found them years ago at an antique mall and got them for a 'song'. On Ebay someone was selling tons of it and I now have a set of 20 settings plus serving pieces. I'm looking to add a few more serving pieces. IF I had the space, the Lu Ray would definitely be on my radar. How funny -- I first saw it on Jill's site too! Love her online shop. I've bought quite a few fun things from her through the years.

HappyK said...

They are all very pretty.
I wouldn't have room in my house to fit all your collections in. : )

Salmagundi said...

My dish addiction came built-in!!! I'm a fourth-generation dish collector. As a child, I was always thrilled when my grandmother and great-grandmother let me help wash the good dishes from their dining room china cupboard. I still have my play dishes from my childhood. My mother also loved to go antiquing, and would occasionally buy a pretty hand-painted rose dish. Guess I can't help myself. Unfortunately, neither my daughter or granddaughter seem interested in either the dishes or the quilts. As my husband always says --- it's going to be a heck of an estate sale someday!!!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

I got my love of dishes from other bloggers honestly. I didn't much care about dishes until I saw the wonderful table settings the bloggers create. Now I'd give my daughters away for red transfer ware.

sweet violets said...

I was born with a love for dishes!!! You have great collections!! My first love was the blue and white which is still my everyday dishes, then red transferware and the brown, love fruit and flowers and anything old fashioned. My mom had the Jewel Tea co. Autumn pattern and another set in white with green ivy around the edge.

I also still have my childhood dishes along with the little electric stove and pots and pans too!! It was always my job to set the table for holiday dinners and to make the centerpiece. I still love being a homemaker.....

Thanks for sharing.....

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Jann -
Your dishes are beautiful! I'm a dish hoarder too as is my "sister by another mother" who I call the "dish queen". lol It's so fun to create a tablescape or or change displays to set the mood or the holiday. Thanks for sharing your beauties!

Blessings, Sherry @ Edie Marie's Attic

mimi_62 said...

Love your new webpage header, etc. Very nice! Also love your dish collection & how you display it!

ellen b said...

I'm pretty sure my addiction started with the love of blue transferware dishes and then blogging added other dishes to my addiction. Oye! I have some of those red checked plates. Right now I'm trying to decide what I can part with instead of packing them up and moving them across the state. Such hard decisions to make. Like you I do not recall any of the dishes from my youth. The kitchen was not a place I spent much time in.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I can't remember when I started loving dishes but I have since I was young. I find odd plates that just say buy me and I do! Now I've had to downsize and so many have gone back to the thrifts. I still have several sets of dishes and stacks of odd plates. We would enable each other for sure! Hugs!

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

I developed my love of dishes as a kid. My Mom loved dishes too. We move a lot for my Dad's job. Each move we carefully packed her collection of dishes since she didn't trust the moving folks to do it right. The dishes were moved in the car for safety too. So it was inevitable that I would love dishes too. Space is becoming a problem though.

chubmoma said...

I love your red collection and the Jade-ite. I have many small collections that I inherited from my Grandma. She loved different plates. my mother-in-law gave me a beautiful red sunburst set and I added to it. Hubby and I collected brown Hull pottery with a lot of serving pieces. Then son wanted Old Curiosity Shop which he left with me for marriage to paper plate gal. We will retire soon and I'm trying to figure out how to move them all!

Rose L said...

LOVE the rose chintz!!! Maybe because my name is Rose!

Jacqueline said...

Yes, blogging can cause a lot of addictions in our lives!
I was smitten at a very young age from Christmas Eve at my Aunt Ionia's house, who inherited most of my grandparents' nice things. My dad also appreciated beautiful things and gave them to my mom! Oh how she would have loved how easily and cheaply we can find beautiful dishes!
I adore your reds and whites and how cute they look in the downstairs kitchens!
My addictions keep growing - but at least we can usually eat on them!

Junkchiccottage said...

Love your dish obsession Jann. You have some good ones. Love the red and white collection. So sweet and pretty.
Happy New Week.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Don't feel bad about your love for dishes, I love them also. If you were close by I would give you a lot of mine. Love your red transfer ware.


Jaybird said...

I'm in love with your red and white kitchen. I think I will go home and try to copy it :^)
I have collected red and white transferware for about 35 years. I love it all, but I see now that I need to add some stripes, dots and cherries ;^)
Have a blessed new year!!

Katie Mansfield said...

I have a dish problem too. We ate off of Blue Danube. It was beautiful and I always thought I'd collect it but never have. I have a dish closet which has helped tame all my dishes. I love Jadite! The cherries are darling. I love your new blog header!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I love all the same dishes you do and have recently fallen in love with jadeite. I have nowhere to display any of it so it gets put in my shop. I have said it before but your red and white collection is my favorite. I have been eyeing the Pioneer Woman stuff at Walmart but pass by because it would just go behind closed doors somewhere!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Love your new look and your dishes!

Carrie said...

My love of dishes began quite early... a older friend had transferware and I envied them. I was given antique dishes for my hope chest as soon as I graduated from high school. My mother in law gave me the final nudge giving me my 2 sets of transferware. I am actually showing off my dishes today at my blog. Will have to check out your dish pinterest board.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

OH, I'm with you Jann! I adore dishes, and have for a long time! I began collecting pink Fenton glass shortly after we married, and I have quite a collection. However, we downsized several years ago, and it is all (sadly) packed away. I enjoy the simple lifestyle we have, but I do miss being able to see my pretty collected dishes. I am with you on Pioneer Woman's dishes, I stand and look at them every time I go to Wal-Mart, but because our home is just so tiny, I have nowhere to put them, and that just doesn't make sense to buy them, lol. Oh yes, I understand how hard it is to resist the pretty dishes. Your collection is gorgeous!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I have loved dishes since I was 21 when I went to my first yard sale and found a blue crock bowl for 10 cents

Now I dishes in every room of my house, yes even the bathroom LOL I have a johnson bros friendly village tray with my brushes on it

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love all your dish collections, Jann! You have a good eye to find the cutest things. I have to confess I don't collect much anymore, but every now and then I add a fun new item to my collection. My last purchase was a fox-shaped cookie jar, lol

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

PS: I LOVE your new blog look! Did you do this yourself or hire someone? I need an update
