It's All About the Color!

Hello my friends,
I went to an estate sale this week.  After I got home and was cleaning up my purchases I realized that I buy a lot of things simply because of their color.
Yup, it's all about the color!
I would not have looked twice at these baskets if they had not been painted this fun green.  I have a few of them, and really didn't need more.  But. . .how could I resist that color?  (wink)

I'm sure someone just painted them, but I thought they were fun and the price was great!
I also bought these hand trimmers.  Again, it was that bit of color that wooed me!  I know I have at least 2 other pair.  One is orange and fun for fall. 
I'm terrible when it comes to vintage kitchen tools.  Plain wood and I can walk right by.  Add a bit of chippy paint and it's sold!! :)
It's funny, but often I don't even know what it is, but get sucked in by it's color.  I bought this beauty at a flea market simply because it was red.  When I brought it home and opened it hubby told me it was a kit for a car.  It holds extra bulbs for car lights. 
I doubt it ever makes it into my car, but I have never regretted buying it!
tools with colored handles or parts. . .another weakness.  I have two of these hand drills.  Doubt I'll ever use them.  An electric drill is much easier, but not nearly as cute!

Garden tools.  I never pass up a painted beauty!  Of course patina is another weakness I have.  That could be a whole other post.  lol!
I have numerous rakes and shovels that have color on them somewhere.  This is my latest score.  Just that touch of red
 is all it took.

There are other things that catch my eye because of their color. . .lanterns, old sprinklers, watering cans.  Just to name a few.
It's no surprise that one of my favorite places at estate sales and thrift shops is the garage and yard area!
Am I crazy or what?  Please tell me that you often buy things simply for their color!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jann what fun going to estate sales,i love the pieces you have bought those green buckets are gorgeous,great buying my friend xx

NanaDiana said...

I know I am drawn to things because of their color---especially the old greens and turquoises and the pink also sucks me in. Right now, however, I am trying to NOT buy any more STUFF as we get ready to downsize here. lol xo Diana

HappyK said...

That is a nice color green.
I too have a rolling pin collection.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Love your finds, my goodness, such a collection of color, wear and chipping (well, not on the baskets which look so fresh and inviting).

Deanies Stash said...

Jann, color is what grabs me too!

xo Dianne

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jann this post made me smile. It is so about the color isn't it!!

Ann said...

That red kit would fit in with my old kitchen tools, have an old red sifter and red handled rolling pin. Love it all.

sandi s said...

I love that green! The color is usually what convinces me. That green or red is a favorite of mine. Hugs,

Sharon @ Blue Willow House said...

Love those green baskets! I totally agree a little chippy paint always draws me in.

Connie said...

I know exactly what you mean, especially when seeing old garden tools all chippy and beautiful :)

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

I would have picked every single thing you got. Fabulous! We can never go thrifting together....the friendship would suffer! Not only do I buy things for their color (usually red) I usually check the garage, yard and basement of a sale first. They are the best! And if the husband is manning the area, the prices are really good ;-) I can't pass up anything with some rusty patina and chipped paint. I usually can't part with them either since I am supposed to be buying to sell in my shop.

krishna said...

wow!! so many lovely findings..

Please visit:

Debby Ray said...

Love that green! A few years back I painted my rusty, vintage glider that color. Great finds!

Carrie said...

Love your finds. I am not sure if I buy because of color. I think I buy because of the story that I can imagine behind the item. I buy lots of red stuff.... especially for my kitchen. I buy lots of white stuff then I can use it in any room of my house.

Jeanie said...

I'm sucked in by color too. The green tape dispenser, the silicone spatchula with a bright "head" to it, the cheerful dish. You are not alone!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

I'm sure there's a 12-step program for this kind of problem . . . lol! I'm kind of with you though - it's that hint of old, chipped paint that grabs me too!

GranthamLynn said...

What a fun post. I loved seeing your colorful treasures.
I wanted to let you know the Warm Heart Swap sign up is extended til
Jan. 20th! I would love you to join us! Here's the link

living from glory to glory said...

Oh, you're funny... No you are not crazy!!
Color can make me walk to an area in a thrift store or an Estate sale because something is just shouting look at me!
You find the best stuff!
Happy Treasure Hunting...

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

You are not the only one, Jann! I am hooked by anything pink! It's terrible but wonderful all at the same time! LOL.

Hope you had a lovely holiday.


Sarah said...

Jann, I'm drawn to vintage garden tools and color is someimes the key. Great finds!

carol@The Red Painted Cottage said...

I would have bought those lovely green baskets, too; and all the other great chippy painted items you chose!

Jean | said...

No, Jann, you're not crazy! You've made some great finds!

Melissa said...

Hi Jann, you've got a wonderful collection of vintage tools here. I especially like the collection of rolling pins in the crock. I'm also attracted to old tools, especially if they have wood handles or interesting old painted finishes.

Curtains in My Tree said...

Of course any garden gal loves that green color, I would have picked them up also
I need some baskets that size also to put some inpatients in
I use my old vintage hand shovels like you found.
