Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime?

Hello my friends,
In about a week and a half summer will officially be here.
Of course those little wheels in my mind are turning.  :)
I am such a theme girl when it comes to my seasonal décor
I just gotta ask, "what do you do in the summertime"?

Do you spend time building sand castles at the beach,
are you hanging out at baseball games watching your children or grandchildren hitting balls and running bases?
Do you have a vacation planned to visit the
 "happiest place on earth"?

maybe you prefer San Francisco, or some other California adventure.
I would love to travel the world!  Hubby teases me that there isn't anywhere that I don't want to go.
I must admit that he is right.  I know that I won't get to see everything I want to in this life time, but I hope to cross a few more places off of my bucket list.
As much as I like vacationing, I also love being at home spending time with my family.  This pogo stick has been attempted by a few of us.  I tried it in our entry way, on slippery tile.  Almost fell flat on my face.  What was I thinking? 

Maybe you have plans to lay around the pool and catch some rays of sunshine.
Hubby and I love taking road trips.  I bought the chippy red metal container at a vintage flea.  Inside are replacement bulbs for your car.  Preparedness is a must on road trips.  (wink)
When our kids were young we always attended parades, and made homemade ice cream.  It's been a while since I've done either.  I think we need to do both.  You're never too old for parades and ice cream!!  A summertime picnic sounds awfully fun.  Oh, and carnivals.  We always went to our hometown carnival.  Hubby and I did take two of our grandsons a few years ago. The oldest one was not thrilled.  he wanted to go hunting for dinosaur bones.   I can never go to a carnival and not have a caramel apple.  YUM!
And yes, we all need to take a little time to just relax and enjoy our freedom!

I hope you enjoyed my "summer time fun" mantle.
It has a bit of a patriotic touch.

What ever you do this summer, I hope you remember to 
have fun!!


Susie said...

Jann, I love the way you have decorated your mantle . My favorite is the wire basket of baseballs. That is so summertime to me. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Connie said...

Jann, you are an absolute whirlwind of activity . . . I don't think your mantle ever stays the same long enough to ever have to dust it, LOL. Love your summer items . . . especially that old pogo stick, I never could master that thing.
Happy Summer!
Connie :)

Junkchiccottage said...

Jann I love all your vintage sweet summer time fun decor. Tooo sweet and cute. I am a summer girl and love just being outside in my garden and fussing with my flowers and laying on my summer lounge chair to read or soak up the sunshine. Happy Saturday.

Stacey said...

Jann, you just make everything so fun and festive!

We will be continuing to work on our yard this summer. Our Army son is coming home for a few days. Our younger son graduates from college. And...we are heading to the Texas coast for a few days. Busy..fun days!

PC said...

I enjoy just being at home - I have traveled so much for work I am grateful for the chance to piddle around the house . Love the summer mantel!!!

Leslie said...

Your themed décor is perfect ~ love it all.
Although I love relaxing vacations, I prefer road trips, maybe an overnight stay some place.. but then I love to be home.

Happy Summer'ing Jan.

Louca por porcelana said...

Jann,your JOY is contagious!I love visiting your blog!Great and cheerful post,the sun shines here and brights our day...Hugs!Maristella.

Kim said...

Is that Australia I see on your globe?? A most excellent place to visit in Summer!! =) By the way.......love your "summer time fun" mantle.

Christine said...

You have Summer all wrapped up in one spot, right there at your fireplace!
You take a look at it and ~sigh~, Ahhhhh Summer!

Cherie said...

I do love how you dress your mantel...To me, summertime is Elderflower cordial time. The hedgerows are full of the sweet scented blossoms.

Debby in KS said...

I love that you used old amusement park pennants! I had so many on my wall growing up! Great idea!

Thankful for Grace said...

When our kids were little, we used to enjoy camping in the summer---Yellowstone National Park being our favorite place on earth to camp. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, camping isn't so much our thing. In fact, much as I want to travel and see the world, I actually just like being home and sleeping in my own bed.

Meals outdoors are my favorite thing about summer.

Patti @ Celebrating Our Days

Jeanie said...

I head to my lake house in Northern Michigan and spend as much of the summer there as possible, with a few short trips home and day trips to other places in the north!

Wonderful arrangements here!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Your mantle tells perfectly the story of summer that we'd all love to indulge in. It has all the things I would love to do if I could go somewhere for a few months and just do summer! Your collectibles are always so fun.

Sandi Magle said...

Hugs back to you Jann.
Love all your vintage goodies for the summer season.

I'm dragging my feet first on Spring now on Summer. Fighting little fires around the house, yard---in anticipation of being down for the count for about a month. Hard to plan anything when there are surgeries in the works...nothing horrid, just cataracts, but no glasses for at least a month. That sorta curtails everything. I hope I can enjoy others blogs somehow, or it will be lots of squinting at the big screen tv.
